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Packages are distributed in two forms: source and binary. The distribution filenames are encoded to contain various pertinent information about the contents of the package.

Package names have the following format:

The encoding for each of the fields is:
Package name must be unique and no more than 20 characters. If the package name itself contained dashes ("-"), these are usually either replaced with an underscore ("_") or removed from the name entirely. Note that if we wish to keep two or more major versions of a package on the archive in the long term, we add the major version number to this package name field to distinguish them (e.g. "db3").
Any characters allowed except "-" - a maximum of 8 characters.
The type of package (source or binary) as follows:
gs = Documentation (in text or troff format)
src = Source code (in tar format)
hppa = PA-RISC binary (in depot format)
ia64 = Itanium binary (in depot format)
No more than 8 characters.
  • 11.00 = HP-UX 11.00
  • 11.11 = HP-UX 11.11 (and so on)

Note that it is very likely that minor revisions differences of HP-UX will not affect your ability to compile or run packages taken from our archive - major revision differences, however, will cause more problems. HP-UX 10.X machines cannot run 11.X binaries for instance, whilst 11.X machines can run most, but not all, 10.X binaries.

  • tar = tar archive (usually for source code)
  • depot = SD depot (HP-UX 11.X only - requires root access to install)

  • gz = gzip
  • Z = UNIX compress

For example, sources for sendmail version 8.1 would be in:

and HP-UX 11.11 dynamically linked PA-RISC binaries in SD format would be in: