Each category directory has a DATABASE file, which contains
some basic information about each package in the directory.
All information for a package is prefixed with the package
name and version. The informaton is contained in entries,
each of which is prefixed by a key:
AUTH | Author (when known) of the software |
DATE | Integer encoding of the date software was added to the archive |
DEPS | Flattened dependencies list (package version numbers optional) |
DESC | Descriptive text describing the software |
EXTS | One entry for each distribution format available for the package |
GIFS | Images and their descriptions |
HREF | HTTP or FTP URL of the original location of the package |
LICE | Open source license (abbreviated) |
OWNS | E-mail address of person/group that ported software |
SIZE | Size in bytes of the package |
TREE | Package installation tree (typically /usr/local) |
UPDT | Internal information about original URL status |
ZZZZ | Terminator for this package |
The DATABASE files are used by the archive administration scripts and programs.