XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) NAME XmComboBox - The Combo Box widget class SYNOPSIS #include <ComboBox.h> Depending on your system's configuration the place of this include file may vary. In doubt, contact your local system administrator. Or run in circles and shout. DESCRIPTION The ComboBox widget allows the user to select elements from a list of choices, and enter their own values in a text widget. To conserve screen space, the list of choices is shown only when the user selects the down arrow button. The choices may then be selected from this list. The list will automatically by removed when the user selects an item in the list. When the list is removed, the item that was selected will be placed in the text widget. Typing the escape key when the list is up, cancels the list popup. Classes ComboBox inherits behaviour and resources from Core and Composite, Constraint and XmManager classes. The class pointer is xmComboBoxWidgetClass. The class name is XmComboBox. New Resources The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget. To reference a resource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove the XmN or XmC prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of the defined values for a resource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the Xm prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words). The codes in the access column indicate if the given resource can be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A). XmComboBox Resource Set ----------------------------------------------------------------- Name Default Access Class Type ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNactivateCallback NULL C XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.31 20 March 1995 1 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmNalignment XmALIGNMENT_CENTER CSG XmCAlignment unsigned char ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNarrowSpacingOn False CSG XmNCArrowSpacingOn Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNautomaticSelection False CSG XmCAutomaticSelection Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNblinkRate 500 CSG XmCBlinkRate int ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNcolumns dynamic CSG XmCColumns short ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNcursorPosition 0 CSG XmCCursorPosition XmTextPosition ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNcursorPositionVisible True CSG XmCCursorPositionVisible Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNdefaultActionCallback NULL CSG XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNdropDownCallback NULL CSG XmCDropDownCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNdropDownCursor center_ptr CSG XmCDropDownCursor Cursor ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNdropDownOffset dynamic CSG XmCDropDownOffset Position ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNeditable False CG XmCEditable Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNfontList dynamic CSG XmCFontList XmFontList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNitemCount 0 CSG XmCItemCount int ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNitems NULL CSG XmCItems XmStringTable ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelFontList dynamic CSG XmCLabelFontList XmFontList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG XmCLabelInsensitivePixmap Pixmap ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelMarginBottom 0 CSG Version 1.31 20 March 1995 2 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmCLabelMarginBottom Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelMarginHeight 2 CSG XmCLabelMarginHeight Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelMarginLeft 0 CSG XmCLabelMarginLeft Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelMarginRight 0 CSG XmCLabelMarginRight Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelMarginTop 0 CSG XmCLabelMarginTop Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelMarginWidth 0 CSG XmCLabelMarginWidth Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelPixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG XmCLabelPixmap Pixmap ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelString dynamic CSG XmCXmString XmString ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlabelType XmSTRING CSG XmCLabelType unsigned char ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlistMarginHeight 0 CSG XmCListMarginHeight Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlistMarginWidth 0 CSG XmCListMarginWidth Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlistSizePolicy XmVARIABLE CG XmCListSizePolicy unsigned char ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNlistSpacing 0 CSG XmCListSpacing Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNmarginHeight 5 CSG XmCMarginHeight Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNmarginWidth 5 CSG XmCMarginWidth Dimension ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNmaxLength largest integer CSG XmCMaxLength int ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNmodifyVerifyCallback NULL CSG XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNmotionVerifyCallback NULL CSG XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.31 20 March 1995 3 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmNpersistentDropDown False CSG XmCPersistentDropDown Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy XmAS_NEEDED CSG XmCScrollBarDisplayPolicy unsigned char ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNselectionCallback NULL CSG XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNselectionPolicy XmBROWSE_SELECT CG XmCSelectionPolicy unsigned char ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNselectThreshold 5 CSG XmCSelectThreshold int ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNshowLabel False CG XmCShowLabel Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNsorted False CSG XmCSorted Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNsortingCallback NULL CSG XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNsquareArrow False CSG XmCSquareArrow Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNstaticList False CSG XmCStaticList Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNstringDirection dynamic CSG XmCStringDirection XmStringDirection ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNtwmHandlingOn False CSG XmCTwmHandlingOn Boolean ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNtopItemPostion 1 G XmCTopItemPostion int ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNunselectionCallback NULL CSG XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNvalue "" CSG XmCValue String ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNvalueChangedCallback NULL CSG XmCCallback XtCallbackList ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNvisibleItemCount 8 CSG XmCVisibleItemCount Int ----------------------------------------------------------------- XmNactivateCallback Specifies a list of callbacks to be called when the Version 1.31 20 March 1995 4 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) user presses either the key "Enter" or "Activate". The type of the structure passed to this callback is XmAnyCallbackStruct and the reason is XmCR_ACTIVATE. XmNalignment The alignment (left to right) for the label's text or pixmap. Possible values are XmALIGN- MENT_BEGINNING, XmALIGNMENT_CENTER, and XmALIGN- MENT_END. XmNautomaticSelection Indicates whether the XmNselectionCallback is invoked each time the user moves into a new item if XmNautomaticSelection is True and the selection mode is XmBROWSE_SELECT. If set to False the XmNs- electionCallback is not invoked until the user releases the mouse button. XmNarrowSpacingOn Indicates whether a gap is displayed between the arrow button and the text input field if this resource is set to True and XmNeditable is also set to True. If this resource is set to False the combo box widget will never display a gab between the arrow button and the text area, irrespective of the setting of XmNeditable. Note that setting XmNarrowSpacingOn to False doesn not conform to common GUI styles. And it prevents the user from easily recognizing whether the combo box is editable or not. XmNblinkRate The time in milliseconds that the cursor spends being visible or invisible. A value of 0 prevents the cursor from blinking. XmNborderWidth That's no new resource but is already introduced in the core class. This class overrides the default value and sets it to zero. You can however override it again if you're dissatisfied with the new default setting. XmNcolumns Specifies the initial width of the input field mea- sured in character spaces. The default value depends on the value of the width of the combo box. XmNcursorPosition Indicates the position in the text where the insert cursor is to be located. Its position is the offset of characters and it starts with offset 0 at the beginning of the text. Version 1.31 20 March 1995 5 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmNcursorPositionVisible Flags whether the insert cursor position is marked by a blinking cursor. XmNdefaultActionCallback Specifies a list of callbacks that is called every time an item is double clicked. The reason is XmCR_DEFAULT_ACTION. Please remember that you can't use this callback if XmNstaticList is False because the list is immediatly hidden after the user selected an item from the list. Thus the user can't double click on any item within the list. XmNdropDownCallback This is a list of callbacks to be called when the list is about to be shown or hidden. The reasons are XmCR_SHOW_LIST or XmCR_HIDE_LIST. XmNdropDownCursor Specifies the cursor to be used whenever the mouse cursor is within the drop down list. XmNdropDownOffset Specifies the distance between the left border of the list and the left border of the input field. The default value is set to the width of the arrow button. Only positive values are allowed for XmN- dropDownOffset, negative ones will be ignored. XmNeditable Specifies the type of combo box. If set to True, the combo box contains an editable input field. Therefore, the user is free to select entries out of the list and to enter new text or modify it. In the other case, with XmNeditable set to False the user can solely browse in and select entries out of the list. XmNfontList Indicates the font list to be used for the input field and the list. If the value is NULL at ini- tialization, it is initialized by looking up the parent hierarchy of the widget for an ancestor that is a subclass of XmBulletinBoard, XmVendorShell or XmMenuShell. If such an ancestor is found, it's font list will be taken by the combo box widget. XmNitemCount Specifies the total number of items in the list. XmNitems Points to an array of compound strings representing the items to be displayed in the list. By means of this a program can find out what items the list Version 1.31 20 March 1995 6 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) contains. It is also possible to set the contents of the list box in one step by setting this resource to a new array of compound strings. Please remember: always set XmNitems and XmNitemCount together in the same call to XtSetValues or XtVaSetValues. If you ignore this rule the combo box will ignore you and your attempt to set these resources. XmNlabelInsensitivePixmap Specifies a pixmap used as the button face if XmN- labelType is set to XmPIXMAP and the combo box wid- get is insensitive. XmNlabelPixmap Specifies a pixmap to be displayed to the left of the input field if XmNlabelType is XmPIXMAP and XmNshowLabel is True (of course). XmNlabelString Specifies the the compound string to be displayed if XmNlabelType is set to XmSTRING and XmNshowLabel is True. XmNlabelType The type of label (either string or pixmap). Possi- ble values are XmPIXMAP and XmSTRING. XmNlabelMarginTop, XmNlabelMarginBottom XmNlabelMarginLeft, XmNlabelMarginRight The amount of space between one side of the label and the nearest margin. XmNlabelMarginHeight, XmNlabelMarginWidth The spacing between one side of the label and the nearest edge of a shadow. XmNlistMarginHeight, XmNlistMarginWidth The height or width of the margin between the bor- der of the list and the items in the list. XmNlistSizePolicy Controls the reaction of the list when an item grows horizontally beyond the current width of the list and XmNstaticList is set to True. If set to XmCONSTANT, the list does not grow, and a horizon- tal scroll bar is shown. If this resource is set to XmVARIABLE, the list instead trys to grow such that it match the size of the longest item, thus no hor- izontal scroll bar will appear. When XmNlist- SizePolicy is the list will again try to grow but in case the width of the longest item in the list is wider than the viewing area of the list a hori- zontal scroll bar appears. Version 1.31 20 March 1995 7 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmNlistSpacing The spacing between items in the list. XmNmarginHeight Specifies the distance between the top and the bot- tom of the widget window and the text displayed in the input field. XmNmarginWidth Like XmNmarginHeight this resource specifies the distance between the left and the right border of the widget window and the text. XmNmaxLength Specifies the maximum length of the text string that can be entered from the keyboard into the input field of the combo box. Strings that are put into the input field using XmComboBoxSetString ignore this resource. XmNmodifyVerifyCallback Contains a list of callbacks called before text is deleted from or inserted into the text area of the combo box widget. The callbacks are called only if XmNeditable is set to True. The reason is XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE and the type of the structure passed to this callback is XmComboBox- TextVerifyCallbackStruct. XmNmotionVerifyCallback Specifies the list of callbacks that is called before the insert cursor gets moved to another position. The reason is XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR and the type of the structure whose address is passed to the callback is XmComboBoxTextVerifyCall- back-Struct. XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy Controls the display of the vertical scroll bar in the list when XmNstaticList is set to True.When XmNscrollBarDisplayPolicy is set to XmAS_NEEDED, the vertical scroll bar is displayed only when the list contains more items than can be currently dis- played. If set to XmSTATIC the vertical scroll bar is always displayed. XmNpersistentDropDown Welcome to the sad section in the life of X11 applications. This resource and the inherent prob- lems are due to the focus policy of the window man- ager you're using. See the further details in the later sections. Version 1.31 20 March 1995 8 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmNselectionCallback Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when an item is selected. The reason is XmCR_SINGLE_SELECT. The callbacks are NOT called when the user browses through the items in the list. XmNselectionPolicy This resource controls whether the user can dese- lect the currently selected item within a combo box. The default value is XmBROWSE_SELECT, so always one item gets selected if the combo box is editable. In the case of XmSINGLE_SELECT the user may deselect the current item either by clicking on it in the drop down list or pressing the key "Delete". Other values for XmNselectionPolicy are currently not allowed. (Multiple selections will be probably availabe with the next release.) XmNselectThreshold Specifies the amount of pixels the mouse must move until the selection of text is recognized in click and drag mode. XmNshowLabel Specifies, whether a label containing text or a pixmap should be displayed on the left side of the combo box. This resource can only be specified dur- ing the creation of the combo box, afterwards it will have no effect. XmNsorted Specifies whether the items in the list are sorted or not In an unsorted list, the items are shown in the order in which they're put into the list. When adding an item to a sorted list, this item will be put at the right place (alphabetically sorted). XmNsortingCallback Contains a list of callbacks that is called when- ever a new item is added to the combo box widget and XmNsorted is True. The reason is XmCR_SORTING and the type of the structure whose address is passed to the callback is XmComboBoxSortingCall- back-Struct. For detailed information see the fol- lowing sections. XmNsquareArrow Controls the width of the arrow button in respect to its height. If this resource is True the arrow button is always layed out square. Otherwise the arrow button's width will be approximatly 4/5th of its height. Version 1.31 20 March 1995 9 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmNstaticList Controls whether the list is always statically dis- played right below the text input area of the combo box if set to True. If you use a combo box with XmNstaticList set to True and XmNeditable set to False you should consider using a simple list wid- get instead. XmNstringDirection Specifies the initial direction to draw the string (from the left to the right or in the opposite direction). The whole story seems to be incompre- hensible... therefore this resource is provided for completeness only. XmNtwmHandlingOn If you have trouble with the list then this resource may help you. Set it to True, if the list gets hidden at the moment the mouse cursor enters the list. XmNtopItemPosition This resource is intended as an informal hint. It specifies the index of the item which is displayed at the visible top of the list. XmNvalue Contains the text of the input field. This also concerns combo boxes which are not editable ( XmNeditable set to False). XmNunselectionCallback Specifies a list of callbacks that is called when- ever the currently selected item is deselected and no other item gets selected. This callback is acti- vated only when XmNselectionPolicy is XmSIN- GLE_SELECT. The reason is XmCR_UNSELECT. The type of the structure whose address is passed to this callback is XmAnyCallbackStruct. XmNvalue Contains the text of the input field. This also concerns combo boxes which are not editable ( XmNeditable set to False). XmNvalueChangedCallback Specifies a list of callbacks to be called after text is deleted from or inserted into the text area of the combo box widget. The reason is XmCR_VALUE_CHANGED. The type of the structure whose address is passed to this callback is XmAny- CallbackStruct. Version 1.31 20 March 1995 10 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmNvisibleItemCount Specifies the number of items that can fit in the visible space of the list. The combo box uses this value to determine the height of its list. Inherited Resources XmComboBox inherits behaviour and resources from the fol- lowing superclasses. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the man page for that superclass. Callback Information A pointer to the following structure is passed to the XmNdropDownCallback callback: typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; } XmComboBoxDropDownCallbackStruct; reason Within this structure, reason indicates the reason why the callback was activated. This can be XmCR_SHOW_LIST as well as XmCR_HIDE_LIST. A callback is called with the reason XmCR_SHOW_LIST just before the list is dropped down, whereas the callback is called with XmCR_HIDE_LIST after the list is hidden. event Points to the XEvent, which triggered the callback. May be NULL if the callback is triggered by a call to XmComboBoxShowList or XmComboBoxHideList. A pointer to the following structure is passed to the XmNactivateCallback callback: typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; } XmAnyCallbackStruct; reason Indicates why the callback was invoked. This is XmCR_ACTIVATE for XmNactivateCall- back. event Points to the XEvent, which triggered the callback. A pointer to the following structure is passed to the XmNselectionCallback and XmNdefaultActionCallback: typedef struct { int reason; Version 1.31 20 March 1995 11 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XEvent *event; XmString value; int index; } XmComboBoxSelectionCallbackStruct, XmComboBoxDefaultAc- tionCallbackStruct; reason Within this structure, reason indicates the reason why the callback was activated. At this time, the reason can be either XmCR_SINGLE_SELECT or XmCR_BROWSE_SELECT depending on the setting of XmNselection- Policy. It indicates that the user selected a (potentially new) item in the list. Whether this callback is activated every time the user moves into a new item of the list or only when the user releases the mouse button is controlled through the setting of XmNautomaticSelection. event Points to the XEvent, which triggered the callback. value Points to a XmString, which contains the text of the current selected item. This XmString must never be freed or changed by the called program code! index Index (starting from 1) of the currently selected item in the list. A pointer to the following structure is passed to the XmNunselectionCallback callback: typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; } XmComboBoxUnselectionCallbackStruct; reason Indicates why the callback was invoked. This is XmCR_UNSELECT. event Points to the XEvent, which triggered the callback. A pointer to the following structure is passed to the XmNmodifyVerifyCallback and XmNmotionVerifyCallback call- backs: typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Boolean doit; Position currInsert, newInsert; Position startPos, endPos; Version 1.31 20 March 1995 12 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmTextBlock text; } XmComboBoxTextVerifyCallbackStruct, *XmComboBoxTextVeri- fyPtr; reason Indicates the reason why the callback was activated. This can be either XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE or XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR. event Points to the XEvent, which triggered the callback. doit Indicates whether the offending action should be performed. Setting this field of the callback structure to False denies the action. currInsert Specifies the current position of the insert cursor. Indicates the position at which the user attempts to position the cursor. startPos Indicates the starting position of the text to modify. If the reason is XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR this value is the same as currInsert. endPos Specifies the ending position of the text to modify. If no text is replaced or deleted, then the value will be the same as startPos. If the reason is XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE this value is the same as currInsert. text Holds the address of a structure of type XmTextBlockRec which holds the textual information to be inserted. The following table describes the reasons why the individ- ual verification callback structure fields are valid. Reason Valid Fields ----------------------------------------------------- XmCR_MODIFYING_TEXT_VALUE reason, event, doit, startPos, endPos, text XmCR_MOVING_INSERT_CURSOR reason, event, doit, currInsert, newInsert, A pointer to the following structure is passed to the XmN- sortingCallback callback: typedef struct { int reason; XEvent *event; Version 1.31 20 March 1995 13 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) int operation; void *item_internal; XmString item; int result; } XmComboBoxSortingCallbackStruct, *XmComboBoxSortingPtr; reason Indicates the reason why the callback was activated. This is XmCR_SORTING. event Contains always NULL and is just there for compatibility reasons. operation Indicates the operation to carry out and can be either XmOP_INIT,XmOP_DONE or XmOP_COMPARE. item_internal Must be set during the XmOP_INIT operation to a suitable representation of the new item which is to be added to the list. In all subsequent calls to this callback with XmOP_COMPAREorXmOP_DONE this field will contain whatever you've put into it during XmOP_INIT. For detailed information refer to the documentation "The ComboBox Widget". item During XmOP_INIT this field points to the item to be added to the list. When sorting the list ( XmOP_COMPARE) the field contains the address of an item in the list which should be compared against the new item (as remembered in item_internal). result When comparing an item (out of the list) in item with the new item (as remembered in item_internal) the result has to be stored into this structure's field. The following table describes which individual callback structure fields are valid during which operations. Reason Valid Fields --------------------------------------------- XmOP_INIT reason, event, operation, item, item_internal XmOP_DONE reason, event, operation, item_internal XmOP_COMPARE reason, event, operation, item, item_internal, result For more information about controlling the sorting order see the acompanying documentation "The ComboBox Widget". Convenience routines ComboBox has a number of convenience routines to control Version 1.31 20 March 1995 14 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) the behavior and contents of its children. void XmComboBoxAddItem(Widget w, XmString item, int pos) Add a new item to the list's contents. If XmNsorted is set to True, the new item is inserted alphabeti- cally. If the list is unsorted, the same assump- tions can be applied as with XmListAddItem. void XmComboBoxAddItems(Widget w, XmString *items, int item_count, int pos) Similar to XmComboBoxAddItem. Also see XmListAd- dItems. void XmComboBoxAddItemUnselected(Widget w, XmString item, int pos) See XmListAddItemUnselected. void XmComboBoxClearItemSelection(Widget w) Deselects all currently selected items when XmNselectionPolicy is XmSINGLE_SELECT. void XmComboBoxDeleteItem(Widget w, XmString item) See XmListDeleteItem. void XmComboBoxDeleteItems(Widget w, XmString *items, int item_count) See XmListDeleteItems. void XmComboBoxDeletePos(Widget w, int pos) See XmListDeletePos. void XmComboBoxDeleteItemsPos(Widget w, int item_count, int pos) See XmListDeleteItemsPos. void XmComboBoxDeleteAllItems(Widget w) See XmListDeleteAllItems. void XmComboBoxReplaceItems(Widget w, XmString *old_items, int item_count, XmString *new_items) See XmListReplaceItems. void XmComboBoxReplaceItemsPos(Widget w, XmString *new_items, int item_count, int position) Version 1.31 20 March 1995 15 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) See XmListReplaceItemsPos. Boolean XmComboBoxItemExists(Widget w, XmString item) See XmListItemExists. int XmComboBoxItemPos(Widget w, XmString item) See XmListItemPos. Boolean XmComboBoxGetMatchPos(Widget w, XmString item, int **pos_list, int *pos_count) See XmListGetMatchPos. void XmComboBoxSelectPos(Widget w, int pos, Boolean notify) See XmListSelectPos. void XmComboBoxSelectItem(Widget w, XmString item, Boolean notify) See XmListSelectItem. int XmComboBoxGetSelectedPos(Widget w) This function differs from XmListGetSelectedPos. The list in a combo box can contain only one selected item. Therefore this function returns the index of the selected item in the list or zero, if none is currently selected. void XmComboBoxClearSelection(Widget w, Time time) See XmTextFieldClearSelection. Boolean XmComboBoxCopy(Widget w, Time time) See XmTextFieldCopy. Boolean XmComboBoxCut(Widget w, Time time) See XmTextFieldCut. XmTextPosition XmComboBoxGetInsertionPosition(Widget w) See XmTextFieldGetInsertionPosition. XmTextPosition XmComboBoxGetLastPosition(Widget w) See XmTextFieldGetLastPosition. Version 1.31 20 March 1995 16 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) int XmComboBoxGetMaxLength(Widget w) See XmTextFieldGetMaxLength. char *XmComboBoxGetSelection(Widget w) See XmTextFieldGetSelection. Boolean XmComboBoxGetSelectionPosition(Widget w, XmTextPosition *left, XmTextPosition *right) See XmTextFieldGetSelectionPosition. char *XmComboBoxGetString(Widget w) See XmTextFieldGetString. void XmComboBoxInsert(Widget w, XmTextPosition position, char *value) See XmTextFieldInsert. Boolean XmComboBoxPaste(Widget w) See XmTextFieldPaste. Boolean XmComboBoxRemove(Widget w) See XmTextFieldRemove. void XmComboBoxReplace(Widget w, XmTextPosition from_pos, XmTextPosition to_pos, char *value) See XmTextFieldReplace. void XmComboBoxSetAddMode(Widget w, Boolean state) See XmTextFieldSetAddMode. void XmComboBoxSetHighlight(Widget w, XmTextPosition left, XmTextPosition right, XmHighlightMode mode) See XmTextFieldSetHighlight. void XmComboBoxSetInsertionPosition(Widget w, XmTextPosition position) See XmTextFieldSetInsertionPosition. void XmComboBoxSetMaxLength(Widget w, int max_length) See XmTextFieldSetMaxLength. Version 1.31 20 March 1995 17 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) void XmComboBoxSetSelection(Widget w, XmTextPosition first, XmTextPosition last, Time time) See XmTextFieldSetSelection. void XmComboBoxSetString(Widget w, char *value) At least Motif 1.1 contains a very anoying bug. If you try to set the contents of an XmTextField to an empty string (""), you'll get garbage, when asking the XmTextField for its contents afterwards. This interface function provides a work around. Also see XmTextFieldSetString. void XmComboBoxShowPosition(Widget w, XmTextPosition posi- tion) See XmTextFieldShowPosition. The Disliked Keyboard Focus Now I'll annotate a somewhat tricky subject. If the resource XmNpersistentDropDown defaults to its initial value of False, one can observe the following effect (this may be annoying). When the user drops down the list and then moves the mouse cursor out of the window where the combo box resides in, the list will be hidden. This is because the widget lost the keyboard focus. Some users are irritated because they didn't expect that behavior, because they just moved the mouse to get it out of the way. If your window manager's focus policy is "pointer focus", i.e. if you move the pointer into another window, that window will automati- cally get the keyboard focus. On the other hand, if your window manager's focus policy is "explicit", you have to move the pointer into another window and click a mouse button to give that window the keyboard focus. This is often referred to as the "click-to-type" method. In "explicit" mode, you will never see the list's annoying behavior. To bypass this behavior on some window managers a really dirty hack was used. The user can activate that hack, if he sets XmNpersistentDropDown to True in the application's resources. Sorry, on some window managers this will not fix the annoying behavior. Try it if you like - but don't complain at me if it doesn't work as expected. But at least it worked on the author's machine: a cute little SGI Indigo running 4dwm as the window manager. On some other window managers like twm you will face another problem: the list gets hidden as soon as the mouse Version 1.31 20 March 1995 18 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) cursor enters the list. Try to set XmNtwmHandlingOn to True. This resource will also work with other window man- agers. Creating a ComboBox Using the combo box in your own programs is easy. Just create the widget with one of the innumerable X toolkit functions (like XtCreateManagedWidget or XtVaCreateMan- agedWidget). Specify as the widget class xmComboBoxWidgetClass - that's all. There is also a so-called creation convenience func- tion called XmCreateComboBox, but it isn't really needed. Widget XmCreateComboBox(parent, name, arglist, argcount) Widget parent; String name; ArgList arglist; Cardinal argcount; Somewhere in your program you'll need something like the following code fragment: Widget ComboBox; ComboBox = XtVaCreateManagedWidget("combobox", xmComboBoxWidgetClass, Parent, XmNeditable, True or False, other Resources... NULL); Setting the resource XmNeditable is not absolutely neces- sary, but it's better to do so. After creation, items can be added to the combo box's list by means of interface functions like XmComboBoxAd- dItem(...). Which item the user selected can be deter- mined by calling XmComboBoxGetString(...). If you want to preselect an item (that is setting a default item to the input field of the combo box) you can use several convenience functions. On a combo box with a non editable input field there are two ways to select an item: XmComboBoxSelectPos(ComboBox, item #, False); or: Version 1.31 20 March 1995 19 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) XmComboBoxSelectItem(ComboBox, itemString, False); The third parameter in these two function calls indicates whether the XmNselectionCallback should be called. The only difference between these functions is the first one is expecting an item number whereas the second one expects a XmString. The list is then searched for this string and if it is found the input field will be updated. On a combo box with XmNeditable set to True use another function: XmComboBoxSetString(ComboBox, string); This sets the contents of the text input field to string. BUGS Not more than currently available in Motif 1.2.3 or Motif 1.2.4, but less than in the upcomming Motif 2.0. Report bugs to albrecht@igpm.rwth-aachen.de. Include a thoroughly description, and say which version of the ComboBox widget you are using. COPYRIGHT Copyright 1993, 1994 Harald Albrecht. The ComboBox widget is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Founda- tion; either version 2, or (at your option) any later ver- sion. AVAILABILITY The most recent released version of the ComboBox widget is always available for anonymous ftp from either ftp.x.org ( /contrib/widgets/motif/ComboBox or from ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de ( /pub/packages/ComboBox AUTHOR Author of Software & Documentation: Version 1.31 20 March 1995 20 XmComboBox(3Xm) Harry's Motif Tools XmComboBox(3Xm) Harald Albrecht Institut fuer Geometrie und Praktische Mathematik RWTH Aachen, Bundesrepublik Deutschland e-mail: albrecht@igpm.rwth-aachen.de English Documentation: Chris Marotz Sterling Software ITD e-mail: marotz@itd.sterling.com RELATED INFORMATION "The ComboBox Widget" documentation Core(3X), XmComposite(3X), XmList(3X), XmTextField(3X) Douglas Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. file:// Version 1.31 20 March 1995 21