packages icon
This package is written in ANSI C and was tested only under
FreeBSD 2.2-current and Linux 2.0, but should compile with little or
no change under any other UNIX OS.

The ``cutils'' collection is made of:
  cinfo, cinfoc and cinfodc - C language documentation tools
  cdecl and cundecl - decode and encode C type declarations
  cobfusc - make a C source file unreadable but compilable
  chilight - highlight C source files
  ctangle and cweave - simple literate C programming tools
  cunloop - unloop C loops
  yyextract - extract grammar rules from yacc grammar
  yyref - yacc grammar reference program

The author can be reached via email at the address <>.

Sandro Sigala
25047 Darfo Boario Terme
Brescia, Italy