-include $(DEP_FILES) OBJ_DIRS := bdbvxw_partialImage/$(MODE_DIR)/Objects/bdbvxw check_objdirs : $(TRACE_FLAG)echo "Creating object dirs"; for dir in $(OBJ_DIRS); do if [ ! -d "$$dir" ]; then mkdir -p "$$dir"; fi;done -include $(PRJ_ROOT_DIR)/*.makefile -include *.makefile TARGET_JOBS_RULE=$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) --jobs $(TARGET_JOBS) $(MFLAGS) $* TARGET_JOBS=1 ifeq ($(JOBS),1) main_all : external_build $(PROJECT_TARGETS) @echo "make: built targets of `pwd`" else main_all : external_build @$(MAKE) -f $(MAKEFILE) --jobs $(JOBS) $(MFLAGS) $(PROJECT_TARGETS) TARGET_JOBS=1 && echo "make: built targets of `pwd`" endif check_vsb : @if [ "$(SKIP_VSB_CHECK)" = "" ]; then if [ -f $(WIND_BASE)/build/mk/scripts/check_vsb.sh ]; then jobsoption="";if [ "$(JOBS)" != "" ]; thenjobsoption="-j $(JOBS)";fi;sh $(WIND_BASE)/build/mk/scripts/check_vsb.sh $$jobsoption $(VSB_DIR);fi;fi # entry point for extending the build external_build :: @echo "" # main entry point for pre processing prior to the build pre_build :: check_objdirs $(PRE_BUILD_STEP) generate_sources @echo "" # entry point for generating sources prior to the build generate_sources :: @echo "" # main entry point for post processing after the build post_build :: $(POST_BUILD_STEP) deploy_output @echo "" # entry point for deploying output after the build deploy_output :: @echo "" clean :: external_clean $(CLEAN_STEP) _clean # entry point for extending the build clean external_clean :: @echo ""