packages icon
              MPEG Video Software Statistics Gatherer
                  (Version 2.2; Feb 1, 1995)

 Lawrence A. Rowe, Steve Smoot, Ketan Patel, and Brian Smith
 Computer Science Division-EECS, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley

This directory contains a public domain MPEG video statistics gatherer.
The decoder implements the standard described in the Committee 
Draft ISO/IEC CD 11172 dated December 6, 1991 which is
sometimes referred to as "Paris Format." The code has been
compiled and tested on the following platforms:

 HP PA-RISC (HP/UX 9.X) (i.e., HP 9000/7XX and 9000/3XX)
 Sun Sparc (SunOS 4.X)
 DECstation 5000 and Alpha
 Irix 4.0.5

See the CHANGES file for information on all the improvements over 2.0

See the manual page for information on how to use mpeg_stat.

Send bug reports to,
job offers (PhD in '96) to ;-)

Vendors or other organizations interested in supporting 
this research or discussing other aspects of this project should 
contact Professor Larry Rowe at rowe@CS.Berkeley.EDU.

In the next version I'd like to beef up the verification code and do
something with system layer audio (when present).  In addition (major
though) MPEG-2 would be cool.  If you send me code to do any of this, it
will be much appreciated.  (In general, though, I'll only be improving it
to meet my thesis needs. -srs)

  If you have gcc, type "make"
  See the file INSTALL for slightly more help.

AUDIO (we don't do audio, but Chad Fogg points out):
  CCETT has been distributing executables only of their Audio bitstream
  syntax verifier.  The site address is:
  Audio conformance bitstreams are also at 

	We gratefully thank Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu, the Semiconductor
	Research Corporation for financial support.

	We also want to thank the following people for their help:

	Tom Lane of the Independent JPEG Group provided us with
		the basic inverse DCT code used by our player.

	Reid Judd of Sun Microsystems provided advice and assistance.

	Todd Brunhoff of NVR provided advice and assistance.

	Toshihiko Kawai of Sony provided advice and assistance.


As a sample of the basic information mpeg_stat collects, here is the output of:
mpeg_stat -quiet flower.mpg

mpeg_stat -- MPEG Analyzer for MPEG I video streams (version 2.2)

Reading flower.mpg


Total Bytes read: 719506. Total number of frames: 150.  Length is 5.01 sec

Width: 352	Height: 240
Avg. Frame Size: 4786 bytes + 6 bits  (average rate 1147692.76 bits/sec)

Total Compression Rate:  1.89 % of uncompressed 24 bit images
                        =  0.45 bits per pixel

Number of Macroblocks [width * height = sum]: 22 x 15 = 330 per frame
Skipped Macroblocks = 4389 (9.46%), Coded Macroblocks = 41992 (90.54%)
	Coded blocks: 34.40%	[ 22.30  22.79  23.44  24.21  4.89  2.37 ]

MPEG-Viewer requirements:
	Pixel aspect ratio of 0.6735
	Required display speed: 29.97 frames/sec
	Specified bit rate is 1.00 MBits/sec (2500 * 400bits/sec)
	Requested buffer size is 8K ints (16 bits/int).
	And the constrained parameter flag is on.
	The stream meets the constrained parameter requirements.

Length of vectors in half pixels:
	Horizontal forward vectors, maximum :  39	average:   6
	Vertical forward vectors, maximum   :  22	average:   0

	Horizontal backward vectors, maximum:  29	average:   5
	Vertical backward vectors, maximum  :  16	average:   0

Frame specific information:

    10  I FRAMES, average is:
	Size: 17323 bytes + 1 bits (24.13%)
	Compression Rate:  6.84%
	Q Factor [scales quantization matrix]: 12.51

    40  P FRAMES, average is:
	Size: 8031 bytes + 0 bits (44.74%)
	Compression Rate:  3.17%
	Q Factor [scales quantization matrix]: 12.55

    100 B FRAMES, average is:
	Size: 2235 bytes + 4 bits (31.13%)
	Compression Rate:  0.88%
	Q Factor [scales quantization matrix]: 16.49
	50.59% interpolated Macro Blocks