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 X4WAR(6)                                                           X4WAR(6)

      x4war - An X version of the Chinese four-state-war game.

      x4war  [options]

      x4war is a game like the Chinese board game, four-state-war. It
      involves four players, two players at the opposite position of the
      board play an ally and are against the other two. It runs under X
      Window environment. At First, players deploy their army on their own
      fields, then a war can be started after all have deployed their army
      correctly. During the war, each moves one of his/her pieces in turn.
      The goal of the war is to capture the COLOURS of the opponents.  By
      default, players are named 'PLAYER 0' through 'PLAYER 3', their
      positions on the board are sequenced counter-clockwise, PLAYER 0 and
      PLAYER 2 forms an ally and are against the ally of PLAYER 1 and PLAYER
      3.  Some description about the board and the pieces: There're six
      rectangular areas on the board in which the pieces can appear. The
      square at the bottom-left corner is the RIP, where your pieces are
      originally placed before a war session and is the place to collect
      dead pieces during a war session. The other five rectangulars are
      fighting fields (four at the sides and one in the middle). The
      fighting field at the bottom-middle belongs to you and you deploy your
      army in this field.  In the fighting fields, the circled places are
      called safe-depots, the two non-rectangular places at each side lines
      are called base-depots, other rectangulared places are just depots.
      For the path, the dotted thick lines are railways, other lines are
      just paths.  For the meaning of pieces. If you start the program
      without -debug option, all pieces will appear in the RIP first. There
      names in English are: (from left to right, in row order)

           COLOURS,  MARSHAL,  GENERAL,  M_GENERAL(Major General) (2
           pieces), BRIGADIER (2 pieces),  COLONEL (2 pieces),  MAJOR (2
           pieces), CAPTAIN (3 pieces),  F_LIEUTENANT (First Lieutenant) (3
           pieces), SAPPER (3 pieces),  MINE (3 pieces), BOMB (3 pieces).
           The ranks of some pieces are:

           CAPTAIN > F_LIEUTENANT > SAPPER No rank for the other pieces.
           For fighting rules: When two ranked pieces meet, the higher
           ranked piece will defeat the lower ranked one, or they are
           removed together if at the same rank.  For non-ranked pieces:

                a BOMB goes with everything;

                a SAPPER can remove a MINE;

                except BOMBs and SAPPERs, every piece meets a MINE will die
                and the MINE is left undestroyed;

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 X4WAR(6)                                                           X4WAR(6)

                every movable piece can capture the COLOURS, it goes
                together with the COLOURS.
      The object of the game is to capture the COLOURS of the opponents.
      For moving rules and miscellaneous during a war session:

                You can move a piece along a path, to an empty depot or onto
                a piece of the opponent's (which means a fight). You can
                move several steps along the railway or one step along other
                paths, provided that there's no other pieces block the path.
                If you move a SAPPER on the railway, you can change its
                moving direction.  For other pieces moving on the railway,
                the direction cannot be changed, i.e., the piece can only go
                straight lines or from the side of one field to the
                corresponding side of other field.

                You cannot move a MINE and the COLOURS after a war has

                A piece moved into the base-depot will die.

                A piece in safe-depots cannot be attacked.

                If a player's MARSHAL is killed, his/her COLOURS will be
                shown faced up at other player's board.

      -pi string
           Specifies player i 's name.  i is between 0 - 3, default to
           "PLAYER i".

      -ci string
           Specifies the color of player i 's node.  i is between 0 - 3.

      -di string
           Specifies the display of player i.

      -two Game for two players. Then there's no ally. It is set such that
           PLAYER 0 fights against PLAYER 2, so the command option settings
           such as name, color, and display of players should be
           corresponding to PLAYER 0 and PLAYER 2. And the other two
           fighting fields are not used during a war.

           A default deploy.

           Gives the command options.

           Gives the command options.

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 X4WAR(6)                                                           X4WAR(6)

      Press a button on your own piece to move it, release the button at a
      position and the piece will be placed there if it constitutes a valid
      move. First you deploy your army from RIP to your own fighting field,
      some deploy restrictions apply (see below). Then press START WAR to
      start a war session.  When a war has started, the players take turns
      to make a move. You can move your piece if an arrow is shown in the
      upper-left corner of the board. A broken arrow there means that it's
      not your turn to move.  The message box at the upper-right corner of
      the board shows each move and the fighting result. For a coordinates
      (w, x, y), it is defined from the view of the player 0's board as

           w  specifies which field. Player i 's field is numbered i (i in
              0-3), the middle field is numbered 4.  x and y specify rows
              and columns in each field, respectively, which are in 0-6 and
              0-5 for rows and columns in players fields and 0-2 for both
              rows and columns in the middle field.
      The four talk boxes can be used for talking purposes. key input is
      shown in the corresponding box at all players screen.  The functions
      of buttons at the bottom-right of the board are as follows:

      NEW GAME
           Starts a new game after one game of war is over, then players can
           deploy their pieces to their field for the new war.

           Some deploy restrictions:

           .    the COLOURS can be deployed only in one of the base-depot;

           .    a MINE can be deployed only at the bottom two lines;

           .    no node can be deployed in the safe-depot.

           Other restrictions can be set by players. (such as: a BOMB cannot
           be at the first line)

           After you have deployed your army, you press this button to get
           ready for the war. After all four players have pressed the
           button, the war gets started and the one in his/her turn can move
           a node.

           Re-deploy your army after you pressed START WAR button and before
           all players have pressed that button. After re-deploy, you should
           press START WAR again.

           Requesting for peace during the war. Then a dialog box is shown
           on the other player's screen, the others have to answer the

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           request. If one answered NO, the war will continue.

           If you surrender, all your pieces are moved and all pieces on
           your board are shown faced up so that you can watch the rest of
           the war. (seems not a bad choice to enjoy other players battle
           tactics at the lose of your dignity)

      QUIT If you have been defeated, your quit will not affect the battle,
           otherwise you can only use it in your moving turn, and it will
           cause every one to quit.  A brief example session is like:

           1.   get four people and four displays.

           2.   run the program, set the boards to different displays.

           3.   each deploys his/her army correctly and then presses START

           4.   after all have pressed START WAR, the war began and the
                first one can move.

           5.   fight a decisive battle, have fun!

      A Chinese guy or anybody who can read Chinese characters and knows the
      conventional rules about the war game.

      Xiaobing Chen,  Feb 25, 1992

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