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 XSTRATEGO(6)                                                   XSTRATEGO(6)
                                17 March 1991

      xstratego - X windows based stratego interface for two players.

      xstratego login@hostname playername
      xstratego -s

      The first command line version lets you play against another player,

      login          is your opponents login name.

      hostname       is the name of the host he (or she) is currently logged

      playername     is the name under which you want to play.  The second
                     version gives you the opportunity to create a board
                     setup and save it for later use.

      Stratego is a famous board game that has been around for many years.
      Here is an overview of the rules for those who are not familiar with
      The game is played on a board consisting of ten by ten squares. Each
      player has forty tiles which are placed upon the lower half of the
      board. Each of these tiles has a certain value and move capability.
      The value of a tile is symbolized by an army rank. In the table below
      is an overview of the tiles and their capabilities. The Amount column
      shows the number of tiles you have of each type.

      lw(.25i) lw(.25i) lw(.25i) lw(.25i) lw(.25i) lw(.25i).  _
      Rank Name Amount    Can Take  Can be taken by     Movement
       1   Marshal         1   All  Spy  Normal (one square)
       2   General         1   Lower rank     Higher rank    Normal
       3   Colonel         2   Lower rank     Higher rank    Normal
       4   Major           3   Lower rank     Higher rank    Normal
       5   Captain         4   Lower rank     Higher rank    Normal
       6   Lieutenant           4   Lower rank     Higher rank    Normal
       7   Sergeant        4   Lower rank     Higher rank    Normal
       8   Miner           5   Lower rank and Bombs     Higher
      rank    Normal
       9   Scout           8   Lower rank     Higher rank    Several squares
      10   Spy        1   Flag and Marshall   Higher rank    Normal
      11   Bomb       6   All except Miners   Miner     None 12   Flag
      1   None All  None

      Eight board positions are designated as water. Nobody can swim. The
      object of the game is to take your opponents flag. The values of your

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 XSTRATEGO(6)                                                   XSTRATEGO(6)
                                17 March 1991

      opponents tiles are (of course) not visible to you.
      The players now take turns. There are two type of moves, moving or
      attacking a tile. A move consists of moving a tile horizontal or
      vertical. Diagonal moves are not permitted. When you attack an enemy
      tile, both the attacking and attacked tile will reveil their value.
      Normally the highest rank will win (see table) and the other tile will
      be taken off the board. If you attack the enemy and win, your tile
      will take the enemies tile position on the board.
      The game has ended if one of the following cases occur:

      +    The flag of one of the players is taken. The winner is the one
           who's flag is still standing.

      +    One of the players can no longer make a valid move. This player
           will have lost the game.

      +    If the same board setup occurs three times, without a tile being
           taken on either side the game is said to have ended in remise.
           Xstratego will warn you whenever a board setup occurs for the
           second time. It will ask for confirmation for the move that will
           end the game in remise.

      xstratego will start up in setup mode. The tiles are represented by
      bitmaps and displayed to the right in the tile window of the
      application. They are positioned in two columns and in ranking order,
      starting at the flag and moving from the marshal beneath it via the
      general, colonel, major, captain, lieutenant, sergeant, miner, scout
      and spy to the bomb. To the right of each tile is a counter displaying
      the number of tiles of that type you still have to place on the board.
      You can place a tile on the board by clicking on its bitmap in the
      tile window with the left mouse button. Your cursor will change into
      the selected tile. Place the cursor on the board position you want to
      put the tile and click the left mouse button again. You can remove
      tiles from the board by clicking the left mouse button on the
      corresponding board position with a neutral cursor (see Cursor below)
      Click Ready if you have completed your setup. When your opponent has
      finished as well, both players will automatically enter play mode.
      The buttons on the right hand side of your screen have the following

      Cursor         This will reset your cursor to the neutral cursor.

      Clear          Clears your setup.

      Load           You will be prompted for a filename which should
                     contain a board setup.  Your current setup will be
                     replaced by the new one.

      Store          You will be prompted for a filename in which you can
                     save your (possibly incomplete) board setup.

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 XSTRATEGO(6)                                                   XSTRATEGO(6)
                                17 March 1991

      Ready          If you have placed all your tiles on the board and want
                     to start play with this setup then click Ready. All you
                     have to do now is wait for your opponent to do the

      Quit           If you decide to chicken out.

      Message        Will give you an opportunity to send a message to your

                     If both players have completed their setup, the
                     computer will decide who will go first. The tile window
                     now indicates how many tiles of each type your opponent
                     has left. You can move a tile by clicking on it with
                     the left mouse button. This tile will be redrawn in
                     grey. Click again on the board position you want to
                     move the tile to. The tile will be placed on the new
                     position if the move was legal.
                     You can attack an enemy tile by clicking the tile you
                     want to attack with first and then the enemy tile you
                     want to attack. If the movement is legal, you will be
                     shown the value of the enemy tile and the losing
                     tile(s) will be taken off the board.
                     When your opponent has made a move, you will be shown
                     the results. The tile that moved will be shown in grey
                     at two places: at the position where it came from and
                     at the position where it moved to. Pressing any mouse
                     button at an arbitrary place in the application will
                     complete the move.
                     The new buttons on the right hand side have the
                     following meaning:

      Remise         This will send a remise offer to your opponent. It can
                     either be accepted or declined. You will be informed of
                     the results.

      Give Up        For losers only!

      Message        For the diplomatic communication.

      Xstratego is build from the following components:

      *Stratego      Toplevel form widget. Contains all other widgets.

                     Form widget with defaultDistance resource set to 1.

                     Individual command widgets that make up the board.

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 XSTRATEGO(6)                                                   XSTRATEGO(6)
                                17 March 1991

                     Command widgets that contain the water areas inside the

                     The tile window form widget that contains the tile

                     Box widget container for tile bitmap and counter.

                     Command widget that contains the tile bitmap

                     Label widget displaying the counter associated with the

                     Label widget at the bottom of the board. Functions as
                     message display area.

                     Form widget functioning as container for right hand
                     side buttons.

                     Command widgets inside ButtonSet.

                     Dialogbox widget inside popup shell.

      There should be an option to save and restore a game.

      Michiel Huisjes (
      I would like to thank Peter Valkenburg ( without whom
      the random messages would be a lot less funny.

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