AirTraffic-0.2a | Guiding a bunch of aircraft around a radar screen |
CodeCommand-0.4.4 | A simple code editor for most languages |
Electric_eye-0.3.9 | A generic image viewer for Gnome |
GConf-2.22.0 | A configuration database system |
ORBit-0.5.17 | High-performance CORBA Object Request Broker |
ORBit2-2.14.19 | A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker |
abs-0.8 | A smart, simple spreadsheet for X11 |
balsa-1.3.5 | Gnome mail client |
bluefish-2.2.1 | GTK HTML editor for the experienced web designer |
bug_buddy-1.1 | Program for reporting software problems |
control_cent-1.2.4 | Gnome control-center |
dcalc-2.7.0 | A Reverse Polish Notation calculator for Unix |
dillo-0.8.5 | A gtk web browser |
dpsftplib-0.1.6 | Library for dpsftp package |
enchant-1.6.0 | Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library |
eog-0.2 | This is the Eye of Gnome, an image viewer program |
gRhythm-0.1c | Tutorial for electrocardiologist |
g_socket-0.1.0 | This is the GNOME socket library |
gaby-1.9.22 | Small personal database manager |
gail-1.22.3 | Accessibility support for gtk+ and libgnomecanvas |
gb-0.0.20 | Basic for GNOME |
gdk_pixbuf-2.28.2 | A library providing image loading facilities |
genius-0.4.6 | A Genius advanced calculator for GNOME |
gfslicer-1.5.0 | Software that slice and then deslice large files |
gfv-0.2.1 | A directory tree and file viewer |
glacier-0.0.2 | An email client |
glade-0.6.2 | A user interface builder for GTK+ |
gnapster-1.5.0 | A Napster client written for GNOME |
gnofin-0.7.5 | A personal finance application for GNOME |
gnome_apps-1.4 | Part three of gnome desktop |
gnome_basic-1.4 | Part one of gnome desktop |
gnome_core-1.0.55 | Programs for the GNOME GUI desktop environment |
gnome_deps-1.4 | Part two of gnome desktop |
gnome_ee-0.3.11 | An image viewer for gnome |
gnome_lib- | The GNOME development libraries and executables |
gnome_print-0.35 | Gnome printing API |
gnome_ruby-jan.2001 | A Ruby extension for the Gtk & Gimp tool kit |
gnome_vfs-1.0 | GNOME Virtual File System |
gnotepad+-1.3.3 | An easy-to-use GTK text editor |
gnozip-0.1.3 | Compression front end utility for Gnome |
gtk_pie_menu-0.1 | A gtk library for pie menus |
gtkdatabox- | Program to display large amounts of numerical data |
gtkglarea-1.2.2 | An OpenGL* widget for GTK+ GUI toolkit |
gtkgraph-0.6.2 | A graph drawing program |
gtkimageview-0.1.4 | An image viewer library using gtk |
gtkimageviewer-0.9.3 | Gtk-Image-Viewer is a GTK widget |
gtkimreg-0.1.0 | A GTK widget to select an area in an image |
gtksourceview-2.11.2 | A text widget that extends GtkTextView |
gtop-1.0.13 | The GNOME System Monitor |
gtyping-0.4 | A GTK+/GNOME typing program |
gucharmap-2.32.1 | Gusharmap is the GNOME Character Map |
guiTAR-0.1.4 | Generic archive tool written in gtk |
imlib-1.9.15 | A general Image loading and rendering library |
intltool-0.50.2 | Scripts to aid gettext translation |
intltool-0.51.0 | Scripts to aid gettext translation |
libIDL-0.8.14 | Parse tree generator for CORBA IDL files |
libart_lgpl-2.3.21 | A library for high-performance 2D graphics |
libbonobo-2.22.0 | Non-GUI part of the bonobo component infrastructure |
libghttp-1.0.9 | Library for HTTP protocol |
libglade-2.6.4 | Library to load glade widgets |
libgnomecanvas-2.30.3 | Rendering back-end engine for structured graphics |
libgnomeprint-2.4.2 | Libgnomeprint is a Gnome printing library |
libgtop-1.0.12 | Library that fetches system related information |
libole2-0.2.4 | Applications need to store multiple type of data |
libsigc++-1.0.3 | The Typesafe Callback Framework for C++ |
libunicode_g-0.4 | Gnome version of libunicode |
libxml-1.8.17 | Standard for markup based structured documents |
libxml2-2.13.5 | XML C parser and toolkit |
libxml2-2.9.10 | XML C parser and toolkit |
libxml2-2.9.1 | XML C parser and toolkit |
libxml2-2.9.4 | XML C parser and toolkit |
libxslt-1.1.28 | Up-to-date XSLT support for libxml2 |
libxslt-1.1.29 | Up-to-date XSLT support for libxml2 |
libxslt-1.1.34 | Up-to-date XSLT support for libxml2 |
libxslt-1.1.42 | Up-to-date XSLT support for libxml2 |
mc-4.8.32 | A free Norton Commander clone for Unix |
mc-4.8.33 | A free Norton Commander clone for Unix |
oaf-0.6.10 | Object Activation Framework for GNOME |
pan-0.10.0 | Gnome news reader |
paul-0.1 | Yet another image viewer |
snac-0.3 | A neat algebraic desktop calculator |
xml_i18_tool-0.8.4 | Set of translation tools |
yamt-0.2 | Yet Another Mp3 Tool to organize your files |
yank-0.2.0 | Yank is a simple system for handling notes |