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This is pretty old workhorse spline29 by James R. Van Zandt.
Originally written for, quite obviously, for Un*x.  Later ported to
MS-DOS.  This version moved back to Liunx/Un*x with a number of
fixes; mostly to prevent bombing out on unitialized values.
A comment character on output was changed to '#', for an easier
cooperation with gnuplot, although an original ';' is also accepted
in the same role on input.

Extra files in a comparison with MS-DOS version are Makefile and
spline.h header; 'test.bat' was replaced with 'regtest' shell script.

Compiling with gcc 2.7.2 and a higher optimization than -O, at least
on Intel, makes this program to fail tests because it has higher
precision than DOS original in one case.  Compiling that on Alpha with
any optimization produces the same small number as Intel with -O2 or
higher while sample outputs expect 0.0.  Most likely Linux is actually

There are still some higly doubtful places left in the code, so it is
possible that bugs still lurk, but at least the program passes its own
regression test.  This was not the case with MS-DOS original.

  Michal Jaegermann,