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 AGAT(1)                                                             AGAT(1)
                                 Release 1.2

      agat - Another Graphic Animation Tool

      agat  [options]

      Agat is a new system for algorithm animation. Agat differs from other
      such systems by its client-server architecture and the use of
      specialized programming language to decribe the animation itself,
      independently of the animated program.

      When you click or you press a key in a window, you can activate
      commands (see COMMANDS section).

      There are basically three ways to use an animation :
         - to run the user program with an animation
         - to replay a previously recorded animation
         - to run the user program with no animation but recording the
      emitted values.

      Here are the possible corresponding options:

      agat [-f agat_file] [-w] [-d dump_file] [-I dir] cmd arg1...argn

           cmd is executed (with arg1...argn as arguments), and animation
           described by agat_file is performed. The emitted values are
           recorded in dump_file. Several -I can be given (specifying a
           search path). Warning messages are not printed if -w flag is

      agat -f agat_file [-w] -r dump_file [-I dir] [-s speed] [-m]

           An animation described by agat_file is performed from the data
           found in dump_file. The animation is played at speed speed. This
           should be a positive integer, specifying a percentage of "real-
           time". So, 50 means "run at half speed" and 200 "run at double
           speed". If the -m argument is present, the animation is replayed
           as fast as possible. Warning messages are not printed if the -wfP
           flag is present.

      agat -d dump_file cmd arg1...argn

           cmd is run with arguments arg1...argn. The emitted values are
           recorded in dump_file. No animation is performed.

      Agat accepts several specific options (see RESOURCES section below).

      The key commands:

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 AGAT(1)                                                             AGAT(1)
                                 Release 1.2

      b,B       To have a big window.

      k,K       Kill a zoom window.

      n,N       To have a normal window.

      p,P       Create a PostScript file in the current directory. The name
                of the created file is the name of the window in which you
                press key.

      q,Q       Quits Agat.

      r,R       Force to refresh a window. (Specialy for zoom windows)

      s,S       Stop the animation. Press any key to restart.

      t,T       To have a tiny window.

      The mouse commands:

      Button1   Display the coordinate of the clicked point. Stopped when
                button released.

      Button2   Move the view. Only for 3D operators.

      Button3   It's the zoom function. When you click on this button, you
                can select the area where you want to zoom. Release the
                button to activate the zoom. You can zoom in a zoom window.
                But there is no automatic refresh in a zoom window. To have
                a refresh, use the r function.

      Agat has the following application specific resources:

      background (Class Background)
              Sets the background color of a window.

      colorxx (Class Colorxx)
              Sets the color number xx for drawing.

      font (Class Font)
              Sets the font to draw the labels and axes.

      foreground (Class Foreground)
              Sets the color of the text on the axes.

      organized (Class Organized)
              Opens the windows with a "beautiful" organization.

      origx (Class Origx)
              Specifies the place of the first window for the X coordinate.

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 AGAT(1)                                                             AGAT(1)
                                 Release 1.2

              Just use when organized is enable.

      origy (Class Origy)
              Specifies the place of the first window for the Y coordinate.
              Just use when organized is enable.

      pdx (Class Pdx)
              Specifies the space between two windows for the X coordinate.
              Just use when organized is enable.

      pdy (Class Pdy)
              Specifies the space between two windows for the Y coordinate.
              Just use when organized is enable.

      xm (Class Xm)
              Specifies the margin in the window for the X coordinate.

      xsz (Class Xsz)
              Specifies the size of the window for the X coordinate.

      ym (Class Ym)
              Specifies the margin in the window for the X coordinate.

      ysz (Class Ysz)
              Specifies the size of the window for the Y coordinate.

      bigx (Class Bigx)
              Specifies the size of a big window for the X coordinate.

      bigy (Class Bigy)
              Specifies the size of a big window for the Y coordinate.

      tinyx (Class Tinyx)
              Specifies the size of a tiny window for the X coordinate.

      tinyy (Class Tinyy)
              Specifies the size of a tiny window for the Y coordinate.

      You can specifie resources for:

              - all the application
                agat*<resource>:  <val>
              - a class of graphic operator
                agat.<op_name>*<resource>:  <val>
              - a specified window
                agat.<op_name>.<window_name>.<resource>:  <val>

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                                 Release 1.2

      For example (the default ressources):

           agat.organized:      True
           agat.origx:          15
           agat.origy:          15
           agat.pdx:            10
           agat.pdy:            10
           agat*background:     White
           agat*foreground:     Black
           agat*xsz:            300
           agat*ysz:            300
           agat*bigx:           600
           agat*bigy:           600
           agat*tinyx:          100
           agat*tinyy:          100
           agat*xm:             5
           agat*ym:             5
           agat*markcolor:      Red
           agat*font:           -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal-*-18-180-75-75-p-98-iso8859-1
           agat*color0:         Blue
           agat*color1:         Magenta
           agat*color2:         Red
           agat*color3:         Sienna
           agat*color4:         DimGray
           agat*color5:         Springgreen
           agat*color6:         Goldenrod
           agat*color7:         Darkorange
           agat*color8:         OrangeRed
           agat*color9:         Maroon
           agat*color10:        Saddlebrown
           agat*color11:        Slategrey
           agat*color12:        Seagreen
           agat*color13:        Navyblue
           agat*color14:        Pink

      No known bugs. But if you find some, report it to:
      Stephane Lavirotte (
      Olivier Arsac (

      X(1), xrdb(1)

      Copyright 1994, INRIA Sophia Antipolis, France.

      Stephane Dalmas (
      Olivier Arsac (

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 AGAT(1)                                                             AGAT(1)
                                 Release 1.2

      Marc Geatano (

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