packages icon

 queue(1)         GNU Queue Version 1.20.1         queue(1)
 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


      queue and qsh  - farm and batch-process jobs out on the local network

      queue [-h hostname|-H hostname] [-i|-q] [-d spooldir] [-o|-p|-n]
      [-w|-r] -- command command.options

      qsh [-l ignored] [-d spooldir] [-o|-p|-n] [-w|-r] hostname command

      This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be inaccurate
      or incomplete.  The Info documentation is now the authoritative

      This manual page documents GNU Queue load-balancing/batch-processing
      system and local rsh replacement.

      queue with only a -- followed immediate execution (-i) wait for output
      (-w) and full-pty emulation (-p).

      The defaults for qsh are a slightly different: no-pty emulation is the
      default, and a hostname argument is required. A plus (+) is the
      wildcard hostname; specifying + in place of a valid hostname is the
      same as not using an -h or -H option with queue. qsh is envisioned as
      a rsh compatibility mode for use with software that expects a rsh-like
      syntax.  This is useful with some MPI implementations; see See section
      MPI in the Info file.

      The options are:

      -h hostname

      --host hostname
           force queue to run on hostname.

      -H hostname

      --robust-host hostname
           Run job on hostname if it is up.


           Shorthand for the (now spooldir) and queue (queue spooldir).

      [-d spooldir]

      [--spooldir spooldir]

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 queue(1)         GNU Queue Version 1.20.1         queue(1)
 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


           With -q option, specifies the name of the batch processing
           directory, e.g., mlab


           Toggle between half-pty emulation, full-pty emulation (default),
           and the more efficient no-pty emulation.


           Toggle between wait (stub daemon; default) and return (mail
           batch) mode.



           List of options

      GNU Queue is a UNIX process network load-balancing system that
      features an innovative 'stub daemon' mechanism which allows users to
      control their remote jobs in a nearly seamless and transparent
      fashion. When an interactive remote job is launched, such as say EMACS
      interfacing Allegro Lisp, a stub daemon runs on the remote end. By
      sending signals to the remote stub - including hitting the suspend key
      - the process on the remote end may be controlled. Resuming the stub
      resumes the remote job. The user's environment is almost completely
      replicated, including not only environmental variables, but nice
      values, rlimits, terminal settings are all replicated on the remote
      end. Together with MIT_MAGIC_COOKIE_1 (or xhost +) the system is X-
      windows transparent as well, provided the users local DISPLAY variable
      is set to the fully qualified pathname of the local machine.

      One of the most appealing features of the stub system even with
      experienced users is that asynchronous job control of remote jobs by
      the shell is possible and intuitive. One simply runs the stub in the
      background under the local shell; the shell notifies the user when the
      remote job has a change in status by monitoring the stub daemon.

      When the remote process has terminated, the stub returns the exit
      value to the shell; otherwise, the stub simulates a death by the same
      signal as that which terminated or suspended the remote job. In this
      way, control of the remote process is intuitive even to novice users,
      as it is just like controlling a local job from the shell. Many of my
      original users had to be reminded that their jobs were, in fact,

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 queue(1)         GNU Queue Version 1.20.1         queue(1)
 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


      running remotely.

      In addition, Queue also features a more traditional distributed batch
      processing environment, with results returned to the user via email.
      In addition, traditional batch processing limitations may be placed on
      jobs running in either environment (stub or with the email mechanism)
      such as suspension of jobs if the system exceeds a certain load
      average, limits on CPU time, disk free requirements, limits on the
      times in which jobs may run, etc. (These are documented in the sample
      profile file included.)

      In order to use queue to farm out jobs onto the network, the queued
      must be running on every host in your cluster, as defined in the host
      Access Control File (default: /usr/local/share/qhostsfile).

      Once queued is running, jobs may normally be farmed out to other hosts
      withing the homogenous cluster.  For example, try something like
      queue -i -w -p  -- emacs -nw. You should be able to background and
      foreground the remote EMACS process from the local shell just as if it
      were running as a local copy.

      Another example command is queue -i -w -n -- hostname which should
      return the best host,  as controlled by options in the profile file
      (See below) to run a job on.

      The options on queue need to be explained:

      -i specifies immediate execution mode, placing the job in the now
      spool. This is the default. Alternatively, you may specify either the
      -q option, which is shorthand for the wait spool, or use the -d
      spooldir option to place the job under the control of the profile file
      in the spooldir subdirectory of the spool directory, which must
      previously have been created by the Queue administrator.

      In any case, execution of the job will wait until it satisfies the
      conditions of the profile file for that particular spool directory,
      which may include waiting for a slot to become free. This method of
      batch processing is completely compatible with the stub mechanism,
      although it may disorient users to use it in this way as they may be
      unknowingly forced to wait until a slot on a remote machine becomes

      -w activates the stub mechanism, which is the default.  The queue stub
      process will terminate when the remote process terminates; you may
      send signals and suspend/resume the remote process by doing the same
      to the stub process. Standard input/output will be that of the 'queue'
      stub process. -r deactivates the stub process; standard input/output
      will be via email back to the users; the queue process will return

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 queue(1)         GNU Queue Version 1.20.1         queue(1)
 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


      -p or -n specifies whether or not a virtual tty should be allocated at
      the remote end, or whether the system should merely use the more
      efficient socket mechanism. Many interactive processes, such as EMACS
      or Matlab, require a virtual tty to be present, so the -p option is
      required for these. Other processes, such as a simple hostname do not
      require a tty and so may be run without the default -p. Note that
      queue is intelligent and will override the -p option if it detects
      both stdio/stdout have been re-directed to a non-terminal; this
      feature is useful in facilitating system administration scripts that
      allow users to execute jobs. [At some point we may wish to change the
      default to -p as the system automatically detects when -n will
      suffice.] Simple, non-interactive jobs such as hostname do not need
      the less efficient pty/tty mechanism and so should be run with the -n
      option. The -n option is the default when queue is invoked in rsh
      compatibility mode with qsh.

      The -- with queue specifies `end of queue options' and everything
      beyond this point is interpreted as the command, or arguments to be
      given to the command. Consequently, user options (i.e., when invoking
      queue through a script front end, may be placed here):

       #!/bin/sh exec queue -i -w -p -- big_job $*


       #!/bin/sh exec queue -q -w -p -d big_job_queue -- big_job  $*

      for example. This places queue in immediate mode following
      instructions in the now spool subdirectory (first example) or in
      batch-processing mode into the big_job spool subdirectory, provided it
      has been created by the administrator. In both cases, stubs are being
      used, which will not terminate until the big_job process terminates on
      the remote end.

      In both cases, pty/ttys will be allocated, unless the user redirects
      both the standard input and standard output of the simple invoking
      scripts. Invoking queue through these scripts has the additional
      advantage that the process name will be that of the script, clarifying
      what is the process is. For example, the script might called big_job
      or big_job.remote, causing queue to appear this way in the user's
      process list.

      queue can be used for batch processing by using the -q -r -n options,

       #!/bin/sh exec queue -q -r -n -d big_job -- big_job $*

      would run big_job in batch mode. -q and -d big_job options force Queue
      to follow instructions in the big_job/profile file under Queue's spool

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 queue(1)         GNU Queue Version 1.20.1         queue(1)
 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


      directory and wait for the next available job slot. -r activates
      batch-processing mode, causing Queue to exit immediately and return
      results (including stdout and stderr output) via email.

      The final option, -n, is the option to disable allocation of a pty on
      the remote end; it is unnecessary in this case (as batch mode disables
      ptys anyway) but is here to demonstrate how it might be used in a -i
      -w -n or -q -w -n invocation.

      Under /usr/spool/queue you may create several directories for batch
      jobs, each identified with the class of the batch job (e.g., big_job
      or small_job). You may then place restrictions on that class, such as
      maximum number of jobs running, or total CPU time, by placing a
      profile file like this one in that directory.

      However, the now queue is mandatory; it is the directory used by the
      -i mode (immediate moe) of queue to launch jobs over the network
      immediately rather than as batch jobs.

      Specify that this queue is turned on:

       exec on

      The next two lines in profile may be set to an email address rather
      than a file; the leading / identifies then as file logs. Files now
      beginning with cf,of, or ef are ignored by the queued:

       mail /usr/local/com/queue/now/mail_log supervisor

      Note that /usr/local/com/queue is our spool directory, and now is the
      job batch directory for the special now queue (run via the -i or
      immediate-mode flag to the queue executable), so these files may
      reside in the job batch directories.

      The pfactor command is used to control the likelihood of a job being
      executed on a given machine. Typically, this is done in conjunction
      with the host command, which specifies that the option on the rest of
      the line be honored on that host only.

      In this example, pfactor is set to the relative MIPS of each machine,
      for example:

       host fast_host pfactor 100 host slow_host pfactor  50

      Where fast_host and slow_host are the hostnames of the respective

      This is useful for controlling load balancing. Each queue on each

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 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


      machine reports back an `apparant load average' calculated as follows:

      1-min load average/ (( max(0, vmaxexec - maxexec) + 1)*pfactor)

      The machine with the lowest apparant load average for that queue is
      the one most likely to get the job.

      Consequently, a more powerful pfactor proportionally reduces the load
      average that is reported back for this queue, indicating a more
      powerful system.

      Vmaxexec is the ``apparant maximum'' number of jobs allowed to execute
      in this queue, or simply equal to maxexec if it was not set.  The
      default value of these variables is large value treated by the system
      as infinity.

       host fast_host vmaxexec 2 host slow_host vmaxexec 1 maxexec 3

      The purpose of vmaxexec is to make the system appear fully loaded at
      some point before the maximum number of jobs are already running, so
      that the likelihood of the machine being used tapers off sharply after
      vmaxexec slots are filled.

      Below vmaxexec jobs, the system aggressively discriminates against
      hosts already running jobs in this Queue.

      In job queues running above vmaxexec jobs, hosts appear more equal to
      the system, and only the load average and pfactor is used to assign
      jobs. The theory here is that above vmaxexec jobs, the hosts are fully
      saturated, and the load average is a better indicator than the simple
      number of jobs running in a job queue of where to send the next job.

      Thus, under lightly-loaded situations, the system routes jobs around
      hosts already running jobs in this job queue. In more heavily loaded
      situations, load-averages and pfactors are used in determining where
      to run jobs.

      Additional options in profile

           on, off, or drain. Drain drains running jobs.

           disk space on specified device must be at least this free.

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 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


           maximum number of jobs allowed to run in this queue.

           1 minute load average must be below this value to launch new

           if 1 minute load average exceeds this, jobs in this queue are
           suspended until it drops again.

           Jobs are only scheduled during these times

           Jobs running will be suspended outside of these times

           Running jobs are at least at this nice value

           maximum cpu time by a job in this queue

           maximum data memory size by a job

           maximum stack size

           maximum fsize

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 GNU Queue                                                         GNU Queue


           maximum resident portion size.

           maximum size of core dump

      These options, if present, will only override the user's values (via
      queue) for these limits if they are lower than what the user has set
      (or larger in the case of nice).

      These are the default file paths. PREFIX is typically

      PREFIX/share/qhostsfile       Host Access Control List File
      PREFIX/com/queue              spool directory
      PREFIX/local/com/queue/now    spool directory for immediate execution
      PREFIX/com/queue/wait         spool directory for the '-q' shorthand
      SPOOLDIR/profile              control file for the SPOOLDIR job queue
      PREFIX/com/queue/now/profile  control file for immediate jobs
      PREFIX/var/queue_pid_hostname temporary file

      Copyright 1998-2000 W. G. Krebs <>

      Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
      manpage provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
      preserved on all copies.

      Bug reports to <>

      W. G. Krebs <> is the primary author of GNU Queue.

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