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 xftp(1)                                                             xftp(1)
                              29 September 1995

      LLNL XFTP - an X-based interface to FTP

      xftp [options]

      LLNL XFTP is a graphical user interface to FTP (File Transfer
      Protocol).  LLNL XFTP does not execute the ftp program; instead, it
      directly communicates with remote FTP servers.  LLNL XFTP is an X
      client and follows the OSF/Motif look-and-feel.  LLNL XFTP enables
      users to transfer files and perform various directory manipulation
      commands, both remotely and locally.  Two especially notable features
      are the ability to (1) perform "third-party" file transfers, and (2)
      transfer or delete entire directory substructures.

      LLNL XFTP's main window is divided into five main sections: (1) the
      main menu bar at the top of the window,  (2) the diagnostics log at
      the bottom, (3) the file transfer controls in the center, and (4 and
      5) the "left" and "right" host sections to either side of the file
      transfer controls.

      LLNL XFTP can be connected to zero, one, or two hosts.  The hosts may
      be any combination of local and remote hosts (the local host is the
      client host upon which LLNL XFTP is running).  In this document, a
      connected host is referred to as either the "left" or "right" host,
      depending on whether it is displayed in the left or right host
      section, respectively.

      Each host section consists of four major graphical elements: (1) a
      label which displays the host's name; (2) a menu bar whose menus
      contain many commands that operate on the host; (3) a "directory"
      menu; and (4) a scrollable "directory list."

      Each host's Connect menu contains commands for
      connecting/disconnecting local and remote hosts.

      Each host's Dir menu contains various commands for creating new
      directories, and for changing and displaying the current directory.

      Each host's Select menu contains commands for selecting/deselecting
      entries in the current directory (the selections appear in the
      scrollable list of directory entries).

      Each host's Ops menu contains several commands that operate on
      selected directory entries.

      Each host's directory menu contains each link of the path of the
      current directory (the last link is displayed).  By selecting a link

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                              29 September 1995

      in the path, the current directory is correspondingly changed.
      (Hence, this is a mechanism to traverse up the host's directory

      Each host's directory list contains the entries of the current
      directory.  One way to select/deselect a directory entry is to click
      on it.  If an entry is double-clicked, an attempt is made to change
      the current directory to that entry.  (Hence, this is a way to
      traverse down the host's directory structure.)

      The file transfer controls in the middle of the main window allow the
      user to initiate file transfers on selected entries.  The transfers
      can go from left to right or from right to left.  Angle brackets in
      the Copy and Rcopy buttons indicate the direction of the transfer
      (e.g., ">>Copy>>" indicates that a left-to-right transfer would take
      place).  The View button causes the selected file to be displayed.

      The scrollable diagnostics log window at the bottom of the main window
      displays error and status information.  The user can control the level
      of verbosity of messages written to this window via the user
      preference Diagnostics.  The contents of this window can be saved to a
      file by selecting the Save Log item in the Log menu.  The diagnostics
      window can be cleared by selecting the Clear Log item in the Log menu.

      There is a flag to the left of the diagnostics log window that
      indicates whether an operation completes successfully or not.  If an
      operation fails then (1) a beep is emitted, (2) the flag changes from
      green to red (white to black on monochrome displays), (3) the "OK" in
      the flag changes to "E", and (4) an error message is written to the
      diagnostic  log window. The next operation will clear the error flag.

      LLNL XFTP automatically caches (1) wildcard expressions, (2) paths of
      current directories, (3) host names and user names used in connecting
      to remote hosts, and (4) quoted commands.  The purpose of each cache
      is to reduce the amount of typing required.  For example, when the
      user wishes to apply a wildcard expression to select directory
      entries, a list of recently referenced wildcard expressions for that
      host will be presented to the user; the user can then double-click on
      an existing wildcard expression to apply it.  The cache is
      automatically preserved across LLNL XFTP sessions in a file named
      ".xftpcache" in the users home directory.

      LLNL XFTP accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options,
      as well as the following option:

           Force LLNL XFTP to use a nice color scheme, even if the
           application defaults file, XFtp, is not found.

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      Use the Connect menus to connect the two sides to the desired
      combination of local and/or remote hosts.  (Depending on how the user
      preferences are set, when LLNL XFTP comes up some combination of the
      left and right sides might already be connected to the local host.)

      Once connected, traverse through a host's directory structure by (1)
      using the directory name menu (the menu just above the directory
      list), (2) double-clicking on entries in the directory list, (3)
      selecting an item in the Go to Previous Directory submenu in the
      host's Dir menu, or (4) selecting the Change Directory item in the
      host's Dir menu.

      Obtain different types of views into a host's current directory by
      selecting the Display Directory (Long) or Display Directory (Table)
      items in the host's Dir menu.

      Select/deselect directory entries to operate on by (1) single-clicking
      on entries in the main directory list, (2) single-clicking on entries
      in the tabular directory list, (3) dragging the mouse with the left
      button held down over entries in the tabular directory list, or (4) by
      selecting any of the items in the host's Select menu.

      Transfer selected items by clicking on the Copy or Rcopy (recursive
      copy) buttons.  Be sure to first set the file transfer mode by
      toggling the appropriate button (ASCII or Binary) in the main window.

      View a selected file by clicking on the View button.  Configure the
      viewer by selecting item Viewer Preferences in the Options menu.  Be
      sure to first set the file transfer mode by toggling the appropriate
      button (ASCII or Binary) in the main window.

      Perform other types of operations on selected items by selecting any
      one of the items in the host's Ops menu.

      Configure LLNL XFTP by selecting the Preferences item in the Options

      LLNL XFTP contains a large number of commands.  The commands are found
      in (1) the main menus, (2) the host menus, and (3) in the Xfer Ops
      controls.  Here is a list of the commands:

      About LLNL XFTP (in File menu)
           Gives version information.

      Change Directory (in Dir menus)
           Change the current directory.  A dialog pops up to prompt for the
           directory to change to.  The directory may be specified with a
           full or relative path.  Previously referenced directories are
           cached and displayed in a scrollable list.  Double-click on a

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           path in the list to change to that directory.  Single click on a
           path in the list to place that entry into the text field labeled
           "Directory:", where it can be edited.  Click on the OK button to
           change to the directory displayed in the text field.  (See user
           preferences Add to Cache, Diagnostics, Directory Cache Size, Host
           Cache Size, and Sort Caches.)

      Clear Log (in Log menu)
           Clear the diagnostics log window.

      Connect to Anonymous (in Connect menus)
           Easily connect to an anonymous FTP site.  If currently connected,
           the connection is first closed.  A dialog pops up to prompt for
           the remote host, user name and password.  The user name is
           initialized to "anonymous".  The password is initialized to the
           value of the user preference Anonymous Ftp Password (which you
           will probably want to set to your email address).  An optional
           port number may follow the host name (using a space as the
           delimiter).  Previously used host/user name pairs are cached, and
           those with user names "anonymous" or "ftp" are displayed in a
           scolled list labeled "Recently Referenced Hosts:".  Double-
           clicking on a host/user name pair initiates a connection.
           Single-clicking on a host/user name pair places those values in
           to the host name and user name fields, where they can be edited.
           Click on the Connect button to initiate a connection.  (See user
           preferences Add To Cache, Anonymous Ftp Password, Diagnostics,
           Host Cache Size, User Cache Size, and Sort Caches.)

      Connect to Local (in Connect menus)
           Connect to the local (client) host.  If currently connected, the
           connection is first closed.  (See user preferences Left Auto
           Local Login and Right Auto Local Login.)

      Connect to Remote (in Connect menus)
           Connect to a remote host (use Connect to Anonymous to more easily
           connect to an anonymous FTP site).  If currently connected, the
           connection is first closed.  A dialog pops up to prompt for the
           remote host and user names. The user name is initialized to the
           value of the environment variable USER.  An optional port number
           may follow the host name (using a space as the delimiter).
           Previously used host/user name pairs are cached and those with
           user names other than "anonymous" and "ftp" displayed in a
           scolled list labeled "Recently Referenced Hosts:".  Double-
           clicking on a host/user name pair initiates a connection.
           Single-clicking on a host/user name pair places those values into
           the host name and user name fields, where they can be edited.
           Click on the Connect button to initiate a connection.  (See user
           preferences Add To Cache, Diagnostics, Host Cache Size, User
           Cache Size, and Sort Caches.)

      Contextual Help (in Help menu)

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           Enter contextual-help mode.  The mouse cursor changes to a
           pointing hand.  Move the hand and click on any graphical element
           in the main window that you wish to know more about.

      Copy (in Xfer Ops controls)
           Transfers the selected files according to the mode (ASCII or
           Binary) specified in Xfer Mode.  A dialog pops up to enable the
           user to monitor the progress of the transfers.  The dialog
           contains a button for aborting the transfers.  (See user
           preferences Beep When Ops Done, Diagnostics, Initial Transfer
           Mode, and Inquire On Copy.)

      Delete Selected Entry(s) (in Ops menus)
           Deletes the selected entries.  A dialog pops up to enable the
           user to monitor the progress of the deletions.  The dialog
           contains a button for aborting the deletions.  (See user
           preferences Beep When Ops Done, Diagnostics, and Inquire On

      Deselect All Entries (in Select menus)
           Deselect all the entries in the host's current directory.

      Disconnect (in Connect menus)
           Close the currently connected host.  (See user preference

      Display Directory (Long) (in Dir menus)
           Pops up a dialog that displays the contents of the current
           directory in a scrollable list.  If supported by the host (and
           this is almost always the case), additional information about
           each directory entry is displayed, such as file length and access
           restrictions.  This display is automatically updated as the
           current directory changes.  This directory display does not
           support selecting entries or displaying the current selection.
           Warning: Using this feature can increase network traffic, put an
           additional load on the remote host, and slow down interactivity.
           (See user preference Diagnostics and Sort Long Lists By Date.)

      Display Directory Path (in Dir menus)
           Pops up a dialog that displays the current directory for that
           host.  It will be automatically updated as the current directory
           changes.  (See user preference Diagnostics.)

      Display Directory (Table) (in Dir menus)
           Pops up a dialog that displays the contents of the current
           directory in tabular form.  This dialog may be used to view and
           modify the directory's selected entries.  Entries may be
           selected/deselected either by clicking or by moving the cursor
           over the entries with the mouse button down.  Moving the mouse
           too quickly can cause some of the entries to be skipped.  If an
           entry is double-clicked, an attempt is made to change the current

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           directory to that entry.  This display is automatically updated
           as the current directory changes.  (See user preference

      Getting Started (in Help menu)
           Describes how to get started using LLNL XFTP.

      Go to Previous Directory (in Dir menus)
           Displays a pullright menu that allows the user to easily change
           the current directory to a previously referenced directory.  (See
           user preferences Add to Cache, Diagnostics, Directory Cache Size,
           Host Cache Size, and Sort Caches.)

      LLNL XFTP Overview (in Help menu)
           Gives a high-level description of LLNL XFTP.

      Make Directory (in Dir menus)
           Pops up a dialog to prompt for the name of a directory to make in
           the current directory.  The user preference Enter Dir Upon
           Creation controls whether the the newly created directory is
           automatically entered upon creation.  (See user preferences
           Diagnostics and Enter Dir Upon Creation.)

      Move Selected Entry(s) (in Ops menus)
           Move selected entries from the current directory to another
           directory on the same host.  This is similar to the UNIX mv
           command, but without rename capability.  (See user preferences
           Beep When Ops Done, and Diagnostics.)

      Preferences (in Options menu)
           Display the user preferences dialog.  See USER PREFERENCES
           section for a description of user preferences.

      Quit (in File menu)
           Terminate LLNL XFTP.

      Rcopy (in Xfer Ops controls)
           Recursively transfers the selected entries according to the mode
           (ASCII or Binary) specified in Xfer Mode.  If a selected entry is
           a directory, an attempt is made to transfer its entire directory
           subtree.  The user preference Overwrite Dir On Copy lets the user
           control whether or not it is okay to overwrite an existing
           directory.  A dialog pops up to enable the user to monitor the
           progress of the transfers.  The dialog contains a button for
           aborting the transfers.  (See user preferences Beep When Ops
           Done, Diagnostics, Initial Xfer Mode, Inquire On Copy, and
           Overwrite Dir On Copy.)

      Recursively Delete Selected Entry(s) (in Ops menus)
           Recursively deletes the selected entries.  A dialog pops up to
           enable the user to monitor the progress of the deletions.  The

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                              29 September 1995

           dialog contains a button for aborting the deletions.  Warning:
           Exercise extreme caution when using this command because it
           deletes entire directory subtrees.  To minimize the chance of an
           unintentional deletion, this menu item is greyed out unless the
           user preference Recursive Delete Enabled is enabled.  (See user
           preferences Beep When Ops Done, Diagnostics, Inquire On Delete,
           and Recursive Delete Enabled.)

      Rename Selected Entry(s) (in Ops menus)
           Pop up a dialog to individually rename selected entries.  This is
           similar to the UNIX mv command except that the renamed entries
           cannot be moved to another directory.  (See user preference

      Save Log (in Log menu)
           Write the contents of the diagnostics window to a user-specified
           file.  The existing contents of the diagnostics window are not

      Save Preferences (in Options menu)
           Save the current settings of the user and viewer preferences.

      Select All Entries (in Select menus)
           Select all the entries in the host's current directory.

      Send Quoted Command (in Ops menus)
           Pops up a dialog to prompt for a "raw" command to send to the FTP
           server of the remote host.  Previously issued commands are cached
           and displayed in a scrolled list.  Double-clicking on a command
           in the list issues that command.  To have a command act on items
           selected in the host's directory list, use the quote placeholder
           (which by default is "<>") to represent a selected item.  For
           example, type "stage 1 <>" to send a STAGE command to the the
           remote host for each selected item.  The quote placeholder can
           changed via the user preferences.  (See user preferences Beep
           When Ops Done, Diagnostics, and Quote Placeholder.)

      Use Wildcard (in Select menus)
           Pops up a dialog to prompt for a wildcard expression to use in
           selecting entries in the host's current directory list.
           Previously referenced wildcard expressions are cached and
           displayed in a scrolled list.  Double-clicking on an item in the
           list applies that wildcard expression.  Single-clicking on an
           item in the list places the expression in a text field where it
           may be edited.  Choose the toggle item Replace Filename Selection
           to cause the currently selected entries to be cleared before
           applying the wildcard.  Choose the toggle item Add to Filename
           Selection to cause the entries selected by the wildcard to be
           added to the current selection.  (See user preference Initial
           Wildcard Mode).

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      Using Help (in Help menu)
           Gives a description of the online help package.

      View (in Xfer Ops controls)
           Displays the selected file.  The Viewer Preferences dialog
           (accessible via the Options menu) can be used to control whether
           the file will be displayed using the built-in viewer or using an
           external viewer of the user's choice (e.g., emacs or xv).  The
           selection of the viewer is configurable, based on the file
           extension (e.g., ".gif" or ".jpg").  There is no limit on the
           number or types of viewers that can be simultaneously displayed.

           The file is transferred according to the mode (ASCII or Binary)
           specified in Xfer Mode.  A dialog pops up to enable the user to
           monitor the progress of the transfer.  The dialog contains a
           button for aborting the transfer.

           The destination of the transfer is a temporary directory created
           in the directory defined as P_tmpdir in the include file stdio.h.
           If the environment variable TMPDIR is defined, it is used as the
           directory.  The temporary directory, and the files it contains,
           are automatically deleted when the user dismisses the viewer or
           terminates LLNL XFTP.

           If the file is recognized as being compressed, it is expanded
           before viewing.  LLNL XFTP excutes the following decompressors
           based on the file extension: gunzip for ".z" and ".gz";
           uncompress for ".Z"; atob for "atob"; and uudecode for ".uu".
           LLNL XFTP searches for the decompressor application in the
           standard way using the PATH environment variable.

      Viewer Preferences (in Options menu)
           Display the viewer preferences dialog.  See VIEWER PREFERENCES
           section for a description of viewer preferences.

      Selecting item Preferences in the Options menu pops up a dialog that
      allows the user to configure LLNL XFTP according to his/her
      preferences.  The user is presented with a number of configuration
      parameters, which are set by either toggling, sliding, or typing.
      Click the Apply button to cause the new values to take effect.  The OK
      button has the same effect as Apply, but the dialog is also closed.
      The Cancel button undoes changes made since OK or Apply were last
      pressed.  The preferences can be preserved across LLNL XFTP sessions
      in a text file named ".xftprc" in the user's home directory.  The user
      may alter the order the preferences are presented in the dialog by (1)
      terminating LLNL XFTP, (2) using a text editor to change the order of
      lines in ".xftprc" and (3) restarting LLNL XFTP.

      Add To Cache
           Specifies whether newly referenced items should be added to the

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           directory, quoted command, wildcard, and host/user caches.  It is
           usually desirable to choose Yes.  Choose No if referencing a
           series of seldom-referenced items that would clear the cache of
           your favorite entries.

      Anonymous Ftp Password
           The value to initialize the "Password" field of the Connect to
           Anonymous dialog to.  This is normally your email address.  The
           Connect to Anonymous dialog is accessible via each host's Connect

      Beep When Ops Done
           Specifes whether to beep when each set of deletion, move, quoted
           command, and file transfer operations completes.

           Specifies the level of diagnostics information to be written to
           the diagnostics log window.  Choose Quiet for error messages,
           only.  Choose Normal for error messages and success messages.
           Choose Verbose for error messages, success messages, and replies
           received from the FTP servers.  Choose Debug for error messages,
           success messages, commands sent to the FTP servers, replies
           received from the FTP servers, and other assorted diagnostics.

      Directory Cache Size
           The maximum number of previously referenced directory paths
           cached per host.  The cache is preserved across LLNL XFTP

      Enhance Colors
           Speficies whether to "pretty up" some of the graphical elements
           (such as scrolled lists and text fields) by changing the normal
           background colors.  This preference has no effect on monochrome
           displays.  Choose Yes to enhance the appearance, or No for the
           usual Motif look.

      Enter Dir Upon Creation
           Specifies whether to automatically enter a newly created

      Host Cache Size
           The maximum number of hosts to cache items for.  The cache is
           preserved across LLNL XFTP sessions.

      Initial Logfile Name
           The default file name to be presented to the user in the "Save
           Log" dialog.

      Initial Transfer Mode
           The default file transfer mode (ASCII or Binary).

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      Initial Wildcard Mode
           The default mode of the "Use Wildcard" dialog.  Choose Replace to
           make "Replace Filename Selection" the default.  Choose Add to
           make "Add to Filename Selection" the default.

      Inquire On Copy
           Specifies whether to pop up a dialog that asks the user to
           confirm that the indicated transfers should take place.

      Inquire On Delete
           Specifies whether to pop up a dialog that asks the user to
           confirm that the indicated deletions should take place.

      Inquire On Move
           Specifies whether to pop up a dialog that asks the user to
           confirm that the indicated moves should take place.

      Inquire On Quote
           Specifies whether to pop up a dialog that asks the user to
           confirm that the indicated commands should be sent.

      Left Auto Local Login
           Specifies whether to automatically connect the left side to the
           local (client) host upon starting LLNL XFTP.

      Max Ftp Retries
           Specifies the maximum number of retries LLNL XFTP will attempt if
           it receives a response from an FTP server that indicates the
           desired operation failed because of some temporary condition on
           the remote host.

      Max Time For Ftp Reply
           Specifies the maximum time in seconds that LLNL XFTP will wait
           for a response from an FTP server before concluding that the
           connection has been broken.

      Overwrite Dir On Copy
           Specifies whether it is okay to overwrite an existing directory
           when recursively copying another directory by the same name.  If
           a sink directory is overwritten then none of its subdirectories
           will be deleted, but new files and subdirectories might be added
           to it, and some existing files might be replaced.

      Preserve Vms Ver Nums
           Specifies whether to preserve VMS file version numbers when
           transferring files from a VMS system.  This is only an issue for
           those VMS FTP servers that provide numbers (not all do).

      Print Password In Debug
           Specifies whether to print passwords in the log window when the
           user preference Diagnostics is set to Debug.

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      Quote Cache Size
           The number of quoted commands to cache.  The cache is preserved
           across LLNL XFTP sessions.

      Quote Placeholder
           This is used as a placeholder in a quoted command to represent
           items selected in the directory list.  For example, the quoted
           command "stage 1 <>" will send a STAGE command to the remote host
           for each selected item.  The default value is "<>", but the
           placeholder can be set to any nonnull printable string.

      Recursive Delete Enabled
           Specifies whether to enable the Recursively Delete Selected
           Entry(s) item in the Ops menus.  Choose No to help prevent
           accidental recursive deletions.

      Right Auto Local Login
           Specifies whether to automatically connect the right side to the
           local (client) host upon starting LLNL XFTP.

      Sort Caches
           Specifies whether to sort (by ASCII-collating sequence) cached
           items when they are displayed in dialogs.  If Yes, then sort.  If
           No, then the most recently referenced items are placed at the top
           of the list.

      Sort Longs Lists By Date
           Specifies whether to attempt to sort the "long" directory lists
           by time modified (with most recent listed first) instead of by
           name.  The Yes option is considered unsafe because some FTP
           servers to not support this option and may give unpredictable
           results.  (Most UNIX hosts support this option.)

      Store Unique
           Specifies whether existing sink files are to be renamed before
           file transfer occurs.  If Yes then the existing sink file is
           typically renamed by appending a "." (period) followed by an
           integer between 1 and 99.

      Symbols On Dir Entries
           Specifies whether to append single characters to directory
           entries in order to distinguish their types.  If Yes(Unsafe) is
           chosen, "/" is appended to directories, "*" is appended to
           executables, "@" is appended to symbolic links, and "=" is
           appended to AF_UNIX address family sockets.  The "Yes" option is
           considered to be unsafe because some FTP servers do not support
           this feature and may give unpredictable results.  (Most UNIX
           hosts support this option.)  Furthermore, if you are referencing
           a directory or directory entry whose name ends with one of the
           special characters, you will need to select No(Safe).  When in
           doubt, select No(Safe).  One further note: use of this feature

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           can dramatically degrade interactivity.

      Use Last Dir At Login
           Specifies whether to automatically enter the most recently
           referenced directory after connecting to a host.  If this option
           is requested, but is not possible to perform (e.g., because the
           directory no longer exists), an error message will be generated,
           and your home directory will be entered.  Note: This mechanism
           attempts to enter the last directory referenced on the host,
           regardless of whether it is another user's directory.

      User Cache Size
           The number of user names to cache (for remote hosts).  The cache
           is preserved across LLNL XFTP sessions.

      Wildcard Cache Size
           The number of wildcard expressions to cache.  The cache is
           preserved across LLNL XFTP sessions.

      Selecting item Viewer Preferences in the Options menu pops up a dialog
      that allows the user to control which file will be displayed with
      which viewer, based on the file extension.

      A file to be viewed is first transferred to a temporary directory and
      then, if necessary, is decompressed.  The file extension (e.g.,
      ".gif") is then examined to determine which viewer the file is to be
      displayed in.  There are two types of viewers: the viewer built into
      LLNL XFTP (which is suitable for displaying text files) and external
      viewers (e.g., emacs for text and xv for graphics).

      Single-click on an entry in the Extensions list to place that
      extension and its associated command line into the Extension and
      Viewer Command Line text fields, respectively.

      An extension is a file suffix that begins with a period (".").  A
      special entry in the extensions list, "OTHERS" represents all files
      that do not have their extension listed (including files with no

      The pattern "<>" in a command line is a placeholder for the name of
      the file to be viewed.  A blank command line indicates that the
      built-in viewer is to be used.  To add a new extension to the list,
      fill in the Extension and Viewer Command Line text fields and press
      the Add button.  If the text in Extension does not begin with a
      period, one will be added.  If the extension is already in the list,
      it will be replaced.

      To replace the command line associated with an extension, (1) single-
      click on the list item to select it, (2) edit the command line, and
      (3) press the Replace button.

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      To delete an extension from the list, single-click on the list item to
      select it and then press the Delete button.  The "OTHERS" entry cannot
      be deleted (but it's command line can be replaced).

      Click the Apply button to cause the new changes to take effect.  The
      OK button has the same effect as Apply, but the dialog is also closed.
      The Cancel button undoes the changes made since OK or Apply were last

      The viewer preferences can be preserved across LLNL XFTP sessions in a
      text file named ".xftpview" in the user's home directory (select Save
      Preferences in the main window's Options menu).

      Here are some things to watch out for:

      LLNL XFTP might not work with some old X servers.  For example, some
      older OpenWindows servers might dump core.  MacX fans should use
      nothing older than version 1.1.7b.

      Old, buggy versions of Motif can cause weirdness.

      LLNL XFTP might not work correctly with some non-Unix FTP servers.
      (If you can give us temporary access to such a server, we might be
      able to fix the problem.)

      Out-of-spec FTP servers can cause untold grief.  (Most Unix-based
      servers work correctly.)

      Third-party file transfers will not work unless at least one of the
      remote FTP servers supports the PASV (passive) command.

      $HOME/.xftpcache   cache file
      $HOME/.xftprc      user preferences
      $HOME/.xftpview    viewer preferences
      XFtp               application defaults file

      The sources for LLNL XFTP are tarred and compressed, and are available
      via anonymous ftp:

      Because our resources are limited, we will not be able to give
      individual assistance in building and using LLNL XFTP.  However, your
      comments, suggestions and bug reports are valuable in helping us
      determine how to best direct our efforts.  Our email address is

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 xftp(1)                                                             xftp(1)
                              29 September 1995


      (c) 1993-1995.  The Regents of the University of California.  All
      rights reserved.

      This work was produced at the University of California, Lawrence
      Livermore National Laboratory (UC LLNL) under contract no.  W-7405-
      ENG-48 (Contract 48) between the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and
      The Regents of the University of California (University) for the
      operation of UC LLNL.  Copyright is reserved to the University for
      purposes of controlled dissemination, commercialization through formal
      licensing, or other disposition under terms of Contract 48; DOE
      policies, regulations and orders; and U.S. statutes.  The rights of
      the Federal Government are reserved under Contract 48 subject to the
      restrictions agreed upon by the DOE and University.


      This software was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an
      agency of the United States Government.  Neither the United States
      Government nor the University of California nor any of their
      employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any
      liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or
      usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process
      disclosed, or represents that its specific commercial products,
      process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
      otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement,
      recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or the
      University of California. The views and opinions of the authors
      expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the
      United States Government or the University of California, and shall
      not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes.

      Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its
      documentation for any non-commercial purpose, without fee, is hereby
      granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission
      notice appear in all copies of the software and supporting
      documentation, and that all UC LLNL identification in the user
      interface remain unchanged.  The title to copyright LLNL XFTP shall at
      all times remain with The Regents of the University of California and
      users agree to preserve same. Users seeking the right to make
      derivative works with LLNL XFTP for commercial purposes may obtain a
      license from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's Technology
      Transfer Office, P.O. Box 808, L-795, Livermore, CA 94550.


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 xftp(1)                                                             xftp(1)
                              29 September 1995

           Neale G. Smith, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

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