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 HYPERMAIL(1)                                                   HYPERMAIL(1)
                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

      hypermail - convert mail archives in UNIX box format to HTML pages

      hypermail [-ipuvVx] [-m mailbox] [-d directory] [-l label] [-a URL] [-b
      URL] [-c file]

      hypermail is a program that takes a file of mail messages in UNIX
      mailbox format and generates a set of cross-referenced HTML documents.
      Each file that is created represents a separate message in the mail
      archive and contains links to other articles, so that the entire
      archive can be browsed in a number of ways by following links.
      Archives generated by Hypermail can be incrementally updated, and
      Hypermail is set by default to only update archives when changes are
      detected.  Each HTML file that is generated for a message contains
      (where applicable): the subject of the article, the name and email
      address of the sender, the date the article was sent, links to the
      next and previous messages in the archive, a link to the message the
      article is in reply to, and a link to the message next in the current
      thread.  In addition, Hypermail will convert references in each
      message to email addresses and URLs to hyperlinks so they can be
      selected. Email addresses will be converted to mailto: URLs, or links
      to a CGI mail program. To complement each set of HTML messages, four
      index files are created which sort the articles by date received,
      thread, subject, and author. Each entry in these index files are links
      to the individual articles and provide a bird's-eye view of every
      archived message:

           The index of articles sorted by the date they were received by
           the mail daemon.

           The index of articles sorted by thread first, then the date they
           were received.

           The index of articles sorted by subject. Any Re: prefixes in
           front of subjects will have been stripped out.

           is the index of articles sorted by the first word of the author's
           name. If the author's name can't be determined, their email
           address will be substituted.  One of the index files will be
           called index.html and is the default index that users can go to
           when entering the archive. In the specified directory, articles
           will be read out in the order that they were read from a mailbox
           or standard input. Filenames start at zero and increase in this
           fashion: 0000.html, 0001.html, 0002.html, etc.

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 HYPERMAIL(1)                                                   HYPERMAIL(1)
                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

      -a URL
           This option includes a link labelled Other mail archives in the
           index pages to the specified URL. This way users who are looking
           at the Hypermail archive have the opportunity to go to pointers
           to other mail archives. By default, this is a link to the parent
           directory which holds the archive files.

      -b URL
           This option includes a link labelled About this archive in the
           index pages to the specified URL. This way users who are looking
           at the Hypermail archive have the opportunity to go to
           information about the archive.

      -c file
           This option specifies a configuration file to read settings from.
           By default, Hypermail will look for a file called .hmrc in the
           user's home directory.

      -d directory
           Specifies the directory to put the HTML files and index files
           that are created. If the directory doesn't exist, a new one will
           be created with the name that is specified. If the -d option
           isn't used, Hypermail will look for a directory with the same
           name as the input mailbox or will create one if needed.

      -i   Reads in articles from standard input.

      -l label
           This option tells Hypermail what to call the archive - the name
           that is specified will be in the title of the index pages so
           users know what sort of messages are being archived.

      -m mailbox
           Specifies the mailbox to read articles in from. By default,
           Hypermail will look for a file called mbox.

      -n submission-address
           This is the list's submission address. In this manner people will
           be able to submit new messages to the list the hypermail archive

      -p   This shows a progress report as Hypermail reads in and writes out
           messages - the number of files that Hypermail is reading and
           writing and the file names of the directory and files created are

      -v   This shows a the variables and their values that Hypermail will
           use when

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 HYPERMAIL(1)                                                   HYPERMAIL(1)
                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

      -V   This shows the version information for the executing Hypermail.
           Once displayed, Hypermail exits without doing any processing.

      -u   This updates archives by one message only. With this option, only
           one email message will be read in from a file or standard input.
           This message will be added to the end of the existing HTML file
           archive and will be integrated into it by links and cross-
           references. All archive index files will be regenerated to
           include the new message.

      -x   This tells Hypermail to explicitly overwrite any previous HTML
           files that may exist. Use this option only when it is desirable
           to completely rewrite the entire archive.

      GENERAL EXECUTION NOTES Note: No matter what options are specified,
      the index files are always rewritten. The date when Hypermail was last
      run is included in index pages, so it's easy to tell when the archive
      was last updated.  Note: The -i and -m options cannot be used
      together. Only archives in UNIX mailbox format can be read in -
      mailboxes of this kind are usually appended RFC 822-compliant articles
      separated by lines such as "\nFrom person@site Mon Jan 10 12:34:56
      1994".  Note: If the mailbox that is being read from is an archive
      that new messages are always being added to, don't use the -u or -x
      options. Hypermail will then read in all the messages given it but
      will only write new messages that have been appended to the mailbox.
      Note: If the -u option is used and articles are read in from a mailbox
      file, Hypermail will assume that the file contains only one article,
      no matter how many files the mailbox may actually contain. Make sure
      that Hypermail is given only one article when using this option.

      CONFIGURATION OPTIONS The following settings can be read in as
      environment variables or from the specified configuration file.
      Environment settings are in uppercase. For instance, in the C shell,
      variables can be set as:
           setenv HM_MBOX /home/john/my_mailbox setenv HM_FILEMODE 0600
      In the configuration file, blank lines and lines beginning with a hash
      mark (#) are ignored. Variables must be in lowercase and separated by
      values with an equals (=) sign, such as:
           set hm_mbox = /home/john/my_mailbox set hm_filemode = 0600
      Settings are read in this order: from the program's hard-wired
      internal defaults, from environment variables, from command-line
      options, from the configuration file.  See hmrc.4 for more information
      on configuration file usage.  Below is a list of variables that
      Hypermail understands. Boolean numbers can have the value of 0 or 1.

      HM_CONFIGFILE filename
           This is the default configuration file to read settings in from.
           This can only be specified as an environment variable. If the
           first character is "~", Hypermail will look for the file under

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                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

           the current user's home directory.

      HM_MBOX filename
           This is the default mailbox to read messages in from. Define this
           with a value of NONE to read from standard input as the default.

           This will create a link in the archived index pages labelled
           Other mail archives to the specified URL. Define as NONE to omit
           such a link.

           This will create a link in the archived index pages labelled
           About this archive to the specified URL. Define as NONE to omit
           such a link.

      HM_USETABLE boolean_number
           Defining this causes Hypermail to generate an index menu in HTML
           table format at the top and bottom of each page.

      HM_REVERSE boolean_number
           Defining this variable as 1 will reverse-sort the article entries
           in the date and thread index files by the date they were
           received. That is, the most recent messages will appear at the
           top of the index rather than the other way around.

      HM_SHOWHEADERS boolean_number
           Define this as 1
            to show the article header lines in the archived HTML files.
           These lines typically include the To: , From: , and Subject:
           information found in most email messages.

      HM_SHOWHTML boolean_number
           Define as 1 to show the articles in a proportionally-spaced font
           rather than a fixed-width (monospace) font.

      HM_SHOWBR boolean_number
           Define as 1 to place <br> tags at the end of article lines.
           Otherwise, all non-quoted article lines will word wrap. This only
           takes effect if HM_SHOWHTML is defined.

      HM_IQUOTES boolean_number
           Define as 1 to italicize quoted lines.

      HM_SHOWHR boolean_number
           Define as 1 to place horizontal rules before and after articles.

      HM_SHOW_MSG_LINKS boolean_number
           Define as 1 to put the individual message links at the top of the
           individual message pages.  Define as 0 to produce pages without
           the Next, Previous, Reply, In reply to, etc.  links.

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 HYPERMAIL(1)                                                   HYPERMAIL(1)
                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

      HM_EURODATE boolean_number
           Define as 1 to display article received dates with days before
           months instead of months before days.

      HM_SHOWREPLIES boolean_number
           Define as 1 to show all replies to a message as links in article

      HM_MAILTO address
           The address of the contact point that is put in the HTML header
              <LINK REV=made HREF=mailto:MAILTO>
            The <LINK...> header can be disabled by default by setting
           HM_MAILTO to "NONE".

      HM_MAILCOMMAND command
           This specifies the mail command to use when converting email
           addresses to links. The variables $TO, $SUBJECT, and $ID can be
           used in constructing the command string.  $TO represents the
           address to send mail to, $SUBJECT represents the subject that is
           being replied to, and $ID represents the message ID of the
           article that is being replied to. If defined as NONE , email
           addresses will not be converted to links in articles. A possible
           command one could use is mailto:$TO , but this could easily be
           changed to specify a CGI program such as /cgi-bin/mail?to=$TO . A
           CGI mail program is included with the source which can be used
           for this purpose.

      HM_DOMAINADDR domainname
           Set this to the domainname you want added to a mail address
           appearing in the RFC822 field which lack a hostname. When the
           list resides on the same host as the user sending the message, it
           is often not required of the MTA to domain-ize these addresses
           for delivery.  In such cases, Hypermail will add the DOMAINADDR
           to the email address. If defined as NONE , this feature is turned

      HM_LABEL label name
           Define this as the default label to put in archives.

      HM_DIR directory
           This is the default directory that Hypermail will look for when
           creating and updating archives. If defined as NONE the directory
           will have the same name as the input mailbox.

      HM_DIRMODE octal_number
           This is an octal number that new directories are set to when they
           are created.  If the archives will be made publically available,
           it's a good idea to define this as 0755. If files will be updated
           incrementally with sendmail, this will have to be 0777.

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 HYPERMAIL(1)                                                   HYPERMAIL(1)
                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

      HM_FILEMODE octal_number
           This is an octal number that new files are set to when they are
           created. If the archives will be made publically available, it's
           a good idea to define this as 0644.

      HM_OVERWRITE boolean_number
           Define as 1 to make Hypermail overwrite existing archives by

      HM_INCREMENT boolean_number
           Define as 1 to read one article only and append it to existing
           archives by default.

      HM_PROGRESS boolean_number
           Define as 1 or as 2 to always show a progress report as Hypermail
           works.  Defined as 2 shows more information about the attachment
           files created.  This is written to stdout.

      HM_THRDLEVELS number
           This specifies the number of thread levels to outline in the
           thread index. For instance, if HM_THRDLEVELS is 2, replies to
           messages will be indented once in the index, but replies to
           replies, etc., will only be indented once as well.

           This specifies the default index that users can view when
           entering the archive. Valid types are date, thread, author, and

      HM_BODY <BODY>
           This is the <BODY> line to use when generating the HTML pages.
           Define as "NONE" to use the builtin <BODY>  line by default.

      HM_HMAIL submission-address
           This is the email address used to send a new message to a
           hypermail archive.  "NONE" means don't use it.  Since this is
           different for each hypermail archive, you should probably leave
           it set to "NONE" here, and let it be specified at runtime by
           command-line parameters in the list specific configfile.

           Define path as the path to a file containing valid HTML
           formatting statements that you wish to included at the top of
           every index page. Hypermail will print this file as the header of
           the index so make sure it contains <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY> and
           other statements that suit your local customized needs.

           Define path as the path to a file containing valid HTML
           formatting statements that you wish to included at the bottom of
           every index page. Hypermail will print this file as the trailer

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                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

           of the index so make sure it contains at a minimum a </BODY> and
           </HTML> statement.

           Define path as the path to a file containing valid HTML
           formatting statements that you wish to included at the top of
           every message page. Hypermail will print this file as the header
           of the message so make sure it contains <HTML>, <HEAD>, <BODY>
           and other statements that suit your local customized needs.

           Define path as the path to a file containing valid HTML
           formatting statements that you wish to included at the bottom of
           every message page. Hypermail will print this file as the trailer
           of the message so make sure it contains at a minimum a </BODY>
           and </HTML> statement.

      HM_SHOW_HEADERS list of headers to display
           Define the list of headers to be displayed if the variable
           HM_SHOWHEADERS is set to 1 (ON). This is a comma or space
           separated all on a single line such as

             hm_show_headers = From,Subject,Date,Message-ID

            or they can be listed individually or any combination of.

             hm_show_headers = From
             hm_show_headers = Subject
             hm_show_headers = Date
             hm_show_headers = Message-ID

      HM_INLINE_TYPES image data types to inline
           This is the list of MIME types that you want inlined as opposed to
           simply linked into the message. They can be listed individually on
           multiple lines or comma or space separated on a single line.

             hm_inline_types = image/gif image/jpeg
             hm_inline_types = image/gif hm_inline_types = image/jpeg

      HM_IGNORE_TYPES indicate attachment types to ignore
           This is the list of MIME attachment types that you do not want to do
           anything with. They are quietly ignored. They can be listed individually
           on multiple lines or comma or space separated on a single line.

             hm_ignore_types = text/x-vcard application/x-msdownload
             hm_ignore_types = text/x-vcard
             hm_ignore_types = application/x-msdownload

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 HYPERMAIL(1)                                                   HYPERMAIL(1)
                       August 15, 1998 - Version 2.0b3

      Sorting: In the date and thread index files, note that these lists are
      sorted by the date the articles were received by the system's mail
      daemon, not by the date they were written on. The order of articles in
      the date index may not necessarily match the order in which the
      article files are written and linked together. Because of this, it is
      a good idea to make sure the mailbox is sorted by date with the most
      recent messages towards the bottom.  Forwarded messages with bad
      headers may be incorrectly handled.

      Hypermail was originally designed and developed by Tom Gruber
      <> for Enterprise Integration Technologies (EIT)
      in Common Lisp. It was later rewritten in C by Kevin Hughes
      <> while at EIT. Kevin passed on-going development and
      support for Hypermail to Kent Landfield <>.  The
      latest documentation can be found at

      I'd like to thank the members of the Hypermail Development list for
      their continued encouragement, ideas, bug fixes and participation.
      Additionally, following people should be noted for their work and
      contributions to the hypermail development.  This list is far from
      complete ...
      Bob Crispen <>
      Darci Chapman <>
      Byron C. Darrah <bdarr@sse.FU.HAC.COM>
      Dave Kopper <>
      Daniel Stenberg <>
      I.Ioannou <>
      Elliot Lee <>
      Martin Schulze <>
      Jay Soffian <>
      Jared Reisinger <>
      Peter C. McCluskey <>
      Roy T. Fielding <>
      Roy Tennant <>


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