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 NeurDS(1)                                                         NeurDS(1)
                                 31 May 2000

 NAME NeurDS - Neural Design and

      % model [ifile [ofile]]

          where:      ifile     = input script file (described below),
      default is TT:      ofile     = output trace file, default is TT:


      Note that INPUTs and OUTPUTs are specified in HEXADECIMAL, where each
      bit signifies a UNIT in the INPUT or OUTPUT layer (lowest bit = UNIT
      0). For example an INPUT of 1F would turn on UNITs 0 through 4 in the
      input layer (with all other UNITs off).


      A general purpose tool for building, running and analysing Neural
      Network Models in an efficient manner

      The NeurDS simulator has the following commands:


      ;    - comment everything until end of line

            use:     Documentation of a command script

         params:     everything until the end of line

       defaults:     <none>
        example:     ; This is a comment


 <num>     - load a pattern into memory
            use:     load patter for use by ASSOC or INPUT commands

             index   - array index for pattern (>= 0 and < 5000)
           inpstr    - input string of HEX data      outstr    - output
      string of HEX data

       defaults:index     - <none>      inpstr    - <none>      outstr    -

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 NeurDS(1)                                                         NeurDS(1)
                                 31 May 2000

        example:     123 13ABCF0 2D7


 ASSOC     - associate inputs with outputs (learn)
            use:Train the system

         params:inpmin    - first pattern index to use      inpcnt    -
      number of patterns to use      maxloop   - maximum number of cycles to
      run for (unless desired      accuracy reached first, see PARAMS
      command)      canrand - if no progress is being made, is the system
      allowed      to randomize the network      force     - force
      randomization after how many loops?       tryrand   - randomize after
      this many loops of not < tryerr      tryerr    - error level for

       defaults:inpmin    - 0      inpcnt    - (lastindex)      maxloop   -
      999999      canrand   - 0 (no)      force     - 999999
           tryrand   - 999999      tryerr  - 999999.999
        example:     assoc 0 500 999 1 200 100 0.1


 CLEAR- delete all UNIT and LINK
            use:remove all network definitions


        example:     clear


 DUMP - output information from the network
            use:Get different levels of status information

         params:level     - 0 = output value for current input           - 1
      = activation values of all layers           - 2 = full dump of all
      neuron states           - 3 = full dump of all neurons and links
                - 4 = screen dump from window package

       defaults:level     - <none>
        example:     dump 3


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 NeurDS(1)                                                         NeurDS(1)
                                 31 May 2000

 EXIT - leave the program
            use:ignore rest of script, and stop program


        example:     exit


 HELP - get command help
            use:type out this file


        example:     help


 INPUT     - ask for network to run
            use:Try using a network after its created (see ASSOC)

         params:inpmin    - input pattern index to start at      inpcnt    -
      input pattern count

       defaults:inpmin    - 0      inpcnt    - last input pattern index

        example:     input 500 500


 LINK - connect two UNITs together
            use:connect 2 UNITs (from lower to higher).

         params:fl,fu     - FROM layer , FROM unit (numbering based at 0)

           tl,tu     - TO   layer , TO   unit (numbering based at 0)

           weight    - initial weight value

       defaults:fl,fu     - <none>      tl,tu     - <none>      weight    -
      randomly generated

        example:     LINK 1,0 2,0 0.3 0.01      LINK 1,0 2 (connect to

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 NeurDS(1)                                                         NeurDS(1)
                                 31 May 2000

      everyone on level 2)      LINK 1 2 (connect from/to everyone on levels


 PARAMS    - set global parameters
            use:Set overall system parameters

         params:A1...A5- values of model specific parameters

       defaults:A1...A5- model specific

        example:     params .5 .9 .1 0 0


 RANDOM    - randomize the network
            use:randomize link values and neuron states


        example:     random


 SCRIPT    - read from a script file
            use:allow command nesting via scripts

         params:file - name of file to use as script

       defaults:file - <none>
        example:     script xor.script


 TRACE     - create a trace (log) file
            use:allow a log file to be started/ended

         params:file - name of file to use as trace (log)

       defaults:file - stop trace
        example:     trace xor.log       (start log)

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 NeurDS(1)                                                         NeurDS(1)
                                 31 May 2000

      race             (end log)


 UNIT - create a new processing element
            use:Create units for a network layer

         params:lev,num- level and number of units

       defaults:lev,num- <none>

        example:UNIT 1,10      UNIT 2,5      UNIT 3,2*   (* == last layer ==
      output layer)


 VERBOSE   - turn on/off verbosity flags
            use:Get more or less info out during a run

         params:echo - Echo input lines      report    - number of loops
      between reports      numplot   - number of loops between plots
           adump     - report after each pattern (not just summary)
           pdump     - plot   after each pattern (not just summary)
           showdiff- plot histogram in window mode      mix  - randomize
      patterns during learning

       defaults:echo - 1      report    - 1      numplot   - 1
           adump     - 0      pdump     - 0      showdiff- 0      mix  - 0

        example:     verbose 1 10 1 0 0 1 0


           DBW - David B. Wecker, Database Systems Research Group

              Rush Job!!

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