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 HODGE-C(1)                     Version 0.98j                     HODGE-C(1)
                                22 March 1993

      hodge - an implementation of Gerhard & Schuster's hodge-podge machine

      hodge [ options ]

              [-A, --animation-file-name <name>]

              [-C, --color-map-file-name <name>]

              [-D, --dump-data-file-name <name>]

              [-F, --number-of-frames <number>]

              [-G, --groth-rate <number>]

              [-I, --init-at-hotspot <number>]

              [-J, --ill-cells-denominator <number>]

              [-K, --infected-cells-denominator <number>]

              [-M, --monitor-process <process>]

              [-N, --number-of-cell-states <number>]

              [-P, --plot-file-name <name>]

              [-S, --size-of-grid <size>]

              [-T, --time-steps <number>]

              [-V, --version]

              [-W, --warranty]

              [-X, --start-of-film <timestep>]

              [-Y, --skip-between-takes <number>]

              [-b, --batch]

              [-d, --no-dump]

              [-f, --number-of-dumps <number>]

              [-g, --gnuplot-data-format]

              [-h, --help]

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                                22 March 1993

              [-i, --idl-data-format]

              [-m, --moore-neighbourhood]

              [-n, --no-film]

              [-o, --on-line-visualization]

              [-s, --seed-for-random <seedvalue>]

              [-t, --torus]

              [-x, --start-of-dump <timestep>]

              [-y, --skip-between-dumps <number>]

      hodge implements a class of cellular automata (CA), that are also
      known as hodge-podge machines. They have caught great attention when
      being discussed in A.K. Dewdney's ``Computer Recreations'' column in
      Scientific American. hodge, resembles the currently closest to reality
      simulation of the Belousov-Zhabotinskii (BZ) reaction, the most
      complex anorganic, oscillating reaction; but hasn't been invented for
      this special purpose though (refer to the BIBLIOGRAPHY section below).

      hodge's input and output streams, and all of it's default parameters
      may be changed using various options (see the OPTIONS section below).

      By default hodge generates 3 types of data files:

      +  a single plot file, containing a per line statistical snapshot of
         the CA's internal state

      +  one or more dump file(s), each containing a snapshot of all cell
         values of the CA, in either Gnuplot (line-oriented) or IDL (block-
         oriented) format, and

      +  one or more animation data file(s), each containing a snapshot of
         all cell values of the CA, written in portable pixmap format, using
         as much colors, as specified with the `--number-of-cell-states'

      Please, refer to the FORMATS section below.

      hodge's main purpose is to generate the previously mentioned snapshot
      files for `making movies'.  All you need is, eg. E. I. du Pont de
      Nemours & Company's ImageMagick PD software (available via anonymous
      ftp from, as file `contrib/ImageMagick.tar.Z.')

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                                22 March 1993

      using the package's animate(1) command you'll soon see BZ waves move
      across the grid.  An example for this is given in the hodge/movie
      folder of the HODGE-C distribution.

      A different approach is to use IDL from Research Systems, Inc.
      Boulder, CO, USA. An example for this purpose is given in the
      hodge/idl folder of the HODGE-C distribution.

      An animation companion to pixmon(1) called playmate(1) is also in the
      making, and will be distributed in near future (refer to the
      AVAILABILITY section below).  Its application is rather simple: all
      there is to do is to include a ``tee-log'' in the `--monitor-process'

      --monitor-process 'tee >pmdata.pix | pixmon ...'

      to collect pixmon(1) data, that is later turned into animated pixmaps
      by playmate(1).

      A final, powerful and low cost solution for animation is to install
      the KHOROS visualization package on your system. It comes for free
      from the University of New Mexico, and is better than most commercial
      products.  KHOROS also features an easy to use graphical programming
      interface called CANTATA and is very easy to learn for beginners in
      scientific visualization. KHOROS features a bunch of converters to
      it's internal VIFF(5) format, that is easily generated from hodge's
      dump (eg. asc2viff(1)) and animation data files (eg. pbm2viff(1),
      rast2viff, raw2viff(1), etc.)

      -A, --animation-file-name filename
           Set the animation data file name pattern. (Defaults to hodge-

      -C, --color-map-file-name filename
           Set the color map file name. (Defaults to

      -D, --dump-data-file-name filename
           Set the data file name pattern. (Defaults to hodge-%0003d.dmp.)

      -F, --number-of-frames number
           Set the number of frames, ie. the number of animation data files
           to write.

      -G, --groth-rate number
           The rate the value of an infected cell increases; described as
           parameter g in A.K. Dewdney's article (defaults to 25).

      -I, --init-at-hotspot number
           Initialize every cell of the starting configuration as SANE and

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           set value number to the center and its von Neumann neighbourhood
           on the lattice.

      -J, --ill-cells-denominator number
           This parameter is used in the equation A/k1 + B/k2, where A is
           the count of all ILL neighbour cells and B is a counter of all
           INFECTED neighbour cells; this is parameter k1 (k2) in A.K.
           Dewdney's article (defaults to 2).

      -K, --infected-cells-denominator number
           This parameter is used in the equation A/k1 + B/k2, where A is
           the count of all ILL neighbour cells and B is a counter of all
           INFECTED neighbour cells; this is parameter k2 (k1) in A.K.
           Dewdney's article (defaults to 3).

      -M, --monitor-process process
           Set a monitor process; hodge opens a pipe to the given process
           and writes it's CA's contents to this pipe, enabling the process
           to visualize the incoming data.  Defining a monitor process,
           implies the `--on-line-visualization' option. (See the OPTION
           SUMMARY for the process default.)

      -N, --number-of-cell-states number
           Set the number of states a SANE cell has to go through, being
           INFECTED to finally become an ILL cell (defaults to 100).

      -P, --plot-file filename
           Plot data will go to filename (defaults to hodge.plt).

      -S, --size-of-grid size
           Set the CA's grid size, ie. the grid's x and y dimensions (x=y).

      -T, --time-steps number
           Run the simulation for number of timesteps.

      -V, --version
           Print a version and copyright message.

      -W, --warranty
           Print a warranty information message.

      -X, --start-of-film timestep
           Set the time step, when to start writing animation data.

      -Y, --skip-between-takes number
           Set the amount of timesteps to pass between successive animation
           data takes.

      -b, --batch
           Run hodge in batch mode, ie. don't prompt the user for any input;
           and don't produce any user notification output.

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                                22 March 1993

      -d, --no-dump
           Don't write any dump files.

      -f, --number-of-dumps number
           Set the number of dump files to write.

      -g, --gnuplot-data-format
           Set the dump file format to Gnuplot (default).

      -h, --help
           Print a usage message containing all options.

      -i, --idl-data-format
           Set the dump file format to IDL.

      -m, --moore-neighbourhood
           Use a Moore neighbourhood, during computation of the CA's next
           state, by default a Von-Neumann neighbourhood is used, ie. to
           North, East, South and West, North-East, South-East, South-West
           and North-West are added, when using this flag.

      -n, --no-film
           Don't write any animation data files.

      -o, --on-line-visualization
           Start the process given with the `--monitor-process' option, and
           display the CA's contents on each time step.  (Note: you need
           either the pixmon(1) facility, or an appropriate double.)

      -s, --seed-for-random seed value
           Set the random number generator's seed with the integer seed

      -t, --torus
           Make the 2D space of the CA grid borderless, ie. the 2D grid is
           folded to a 3D torus.

      -x, --start-of-dump timestep
           Set the time step, when to start dumping.

      -y, --skip-between-dumps number
           Set the amount of timesteps to pass between successive dumps.

      To give no option at all is the same as to give the following options:

      --monitor-process        'pixmon -dx 128 -dy 128 -scale 5 -

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                                22 March 1993

      --animation-file-name    hodge-%0003d.ppm


      --number-of-frames  1

      --start-of-film          1

      --skip-between-takes     1

      --dump-data-file-name    hodge-%0003d.dmp


      --start-of-dump          1

      --skip-between-dumps     1

      --time-steps        1000

      --grid-size         128

      --number-of-cell-states  100

      --ill-cells-denominator  2

      --infected-cells-denominator  3

      --groth-rate        25

      --plot-file-name         hodge.plt

      --seed-for-random   12345678

      The only INPUT FORMAT hodge acknowledges, is a color map file, using
      256 colors with the following RGB format:
           #    File:
           #    Creator:  joke
           # <- this is a comment line: '#' in the 1st column
           <red intensity 0>   <green intensity 0> <blue intensity 0>
           <red intensity 1>   <green intensity 1> <blue intensity 1>
           <red intensity 2>   <green intensity 2> <blue intensity 2>
           <red intensity 255> <green intensity 255>    <blue intensity 255>

      Thus a non-commented color map file consist of 256 lines each one
      containing such a color description. Eg. to get a greyscale `color'
      map, simply use the same intensities for all colors.

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                                22 March 1993

      The OUTPUT FORMATS are as follows:

      +  The plot file format is precisely specified as:
              <timestep 0> <# sane> <# infected> <# ill> <percentage of infected cells>
              <timestep 1> <# sane> <# infected> <# ill> <percentage of infected cells>
              <timestep 2> <# sane> <# infected> <# ill> <percentage of infected cells>
              <timestep n> <# sane> <# infected> <# ill> <percentage of infected cells>

         on a per line base, with <timestep 0> running from 1 to n, the
         latter being specified by the `--time-steps' option.

      +  The dump file format depends on whether the Gnuplot data file
         format, or the IDL data file format has been chosen, with the first
         being the default, when no user-specification via run-time option
         has taken place.

         +  The Gnuplot (line-oriented) data file format:
                 <xcell index 0> <ycell index 0> <xycell value 0,0>
                 <xcell index 1> <ycell index 0> <xycell value 1,0>
                 <xcell index 2> <ycell index 0> <xycell value 2,0>
                 <xcell index n> <ycell index 0> <xycell value n,0>

                 <xcell index 0> <ycell index 1> <xycell value 0,0>
                 <xcell index 1> <ycell index 1> <xycell value 1,1>
                 <xcell index 2> <ycell index 1> <xycell value 2,1>
                 <xcell index n> <ycell index 1> <xycell value n,1>

                 <xcell index n> <ycell index n> <xycell value n,n>

         +  The IDL (block-oriented) data file format:
                 <xcell-index 0>
                 <xcell-index 1>
                 <xcell-index 2>

                 <ycell-index 0>
                 <ycell-index 1>
                 <ycell-index 2>

                 <xycell value 0,0>
                 <xycell value 1,0>
                 <xycell value n,0>
                 <xycell value n,n>

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                                22 March 1993

      +  The animation file format is the portable pixmap format, as defined
         by Jeff Poskanzer for his bitmap conversion collection pbmplus. I
         thus direct the reader to the appropriate manual page(s) of that
         package, ie.  pbmplus(1), and ppm(5).

      The following are two examples displaying the dumps of a 2x2 grid:

      The Gnuplot data file format:
           1    1    0
           1    2    10

           2    1    37
           2    2    100

      The IDL data file format:



      Unless specified otherwise hodge reads in the first, and writes the
      following files at run-time:      default color map

      hodge.plt      plot data file
      hodge-xyz.ppm       animation data file(s) in ppm format
      hodge-xyz.dmp       dump data file(s) in either Gnuplot or IDL format

      The distribution of HODGE-C contains, besides the usual source and
      makefiles, the following files:
      INSTALL        hints for installation of hodge on your system
      configure      C shell script to configure hodge for your system
      config/*.cf         various system's configuration files

      contrib/infekt2.c        Martin Gerhard's original source

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      cmaps/*.map         various color maps

      khoros/README  hints for making movies with KHOROS
      khoros/movie        C shell script to run hodge
      khoros/bz-*.vif          demo animation data

      magick/README  hints for making movies with IMAGEMAGICK
      magick/movie        C shell script to run hodge
      magick/bz-*.gif          demo animation data
      magick/gif2vif      shell script converting GIF to VIFF files

      idl/README          hints for making movies with IDL
      idl/idemo      C shell script to run hodge
      idl/iload           shell script that uncompresses and loads idata.Z
      idl/idata.Z         demo animation data

      typ?           demo C shell script to produce type #? (1-4) plot files
      typ?.gnu            gnuplot(1) command file to produce 2D and 3D plots

      hodge has even more options than ls.

      The pseudo code given in the Scientific American article contains a
      subtle bug: Dewdney confused the meaning of A and B, ie. he says ``A
      counts the infected neighbours and B the ill ones,'' but it's the
      other way round. For the interested, Martin Gerhard's original ATART
      ST version of the hodge-podge machine is included in this

      Due to this confusion I give here the correct algorithm core in pseudo
           foreach cell do
                A := count of ill neighbour cells            // range: [0..8]
                B := count of infected neighbour cells       // range: [0..8]
                S := value of all neighbour cells + value of cell // range: [0..8*n]

                case state(cell) of
                               newval := A/k1 + B/k2

                               B := B + 1          // count self (sic!)
                               newval := S/B + g   // ...else B could be zero

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                               newval := 0         // 0 means SANE

                if newval > MAXVALUE               // number-of-cell-states option (=n)
                     value(cell) := 0
                     value(cell) := newval

      BZ specific publications:

      A.K. Dewdney, Computer Recreations, Scientific American, August, 1988.

      Stefan C. Mueller, Theo Plesser and Benno Hess, The Structure of the
      Core of the Spiral Wave in the Belousov-Zhabotinskii Reaction,
      Science, 230(4726), November, 1985.

      Stefan C. Mueller, Theo Plesser and Benno Hess, Three-dimensional
      Representation of Chemical Gradients, Biophysical Chemistry, February,

      Cellular automata theory and practice:

      D. Farmer, T. Toffoli and S. Wolfram, Cellular Automata, North-
      Holland, Amsterdam, 1984.

      S. Wolfram, Theory and Applications of Cellular Automata, World
      Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1986.

      Christopher G. Langton, Artificial Life, Addison-Wesley, Redwood City,
      CA, 1989.  (The Proceedings of an Interdisciplinary Workshop on the
      Synthesis and Simulation of Living Systems held September, 1987 in Los
      Alamos, New Mexico.)

      Christopher G. Langton, et al., Artificial Life II, A proceedings
      volume in the Santa Fe Institute Studies in the Science of Complexity,
      Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, 1990.  (Proceedings of the Workshop on
      Artificial Life held February, 1990 in Santa Fe, New Mexico.)

      Introductory books:

      Paul Davies, Cosmic Blueprint, Heinemann, London, UK, 1988.

      John Briggs and F. David Peat, An Illustrated Guide to Chaos Theory
      and the Science of Wholeness, Harper & Row, New York, NY 1989.

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                                22 March 1993

      gnuplot(1), imagemagick(1), khoros(1), pbmplus(1), pixmon(1),
      playmate(1), xv(1), ppm(5)

      Copyright (C) 1993 by Joerg Heitkoetter
      Systems Analysis Group, University of Dortmund, Germany.
      Send bugs, comments, etc., to (

      I'd like to thank Joachim Sprave, of the Systems Analysis Group for
      lending and extending his pixmon(1) visualization package, to suit my
      needs; moreover Uli Hermes and Frank Kursawe for help with IDL. I am
      also greatfully indepted to Heike Schuster and Martin Gerhard for
      their enthusiasm and friendly explanations, when we met at the
      Biomathematics Research Group, at the former Max-Planck-Institute for
      Nutrition Physiology, in 1988, which has been renamed to MPI for
      Molecular Physiology, in February 1993.  More thanks go to Jenna W.
      Dea, currently at UCSC, for lots of questions on CAs, and giving me an
      opportunity; to once again spend my time on things, I do not have time

      This work is protected by the terms of the GNU General Public License.
      Please refer to the LICENSE file accompanying the sources of this
      software package for a lengthy, boring, but absolute complete

      The sources come from MAGPIE -- The European Free Software Factory
      Project.  For more information on MAGPIE send email to

      HODGE-C is available via anonymous ftp from the group's server ( as file `hodge-c-
      0.98j.tar.Z' in /pub/CA/src.

      This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
      your option) any later version.

      This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
      WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      General Public License for more details.

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                                22 March 1993

      You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
      along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
      Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

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