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Documentation on the fasta3 version programs is available in the files:

	fasta3.1	(unix man page)
	ssearch3.1	(unix man page)

	readme.v30*	(text descriptions of bug fixes and version history)	(unix -me nroff file)
	fasta3x.doc	(text version of

The latter two files provide background information on installing the
fasta programs (in particular, the FASTLIBS file), that new users of
the fasta3 package may find useful.  Note that many non-database
searching programs are available in the fasta20 package.

Documentation on the pvm3 versions of the programs is available in:

	readme.pvm_2.0	(original description of pvcomp programs)
	readme.pvm_3.0	(description of latest version)

Bill Pearson