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 VIP(2)                        VIP Version 4.0                        VIP(2)
 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      VIP (Visual Information Processing) is an image processing software
      library that has been developed by the Robotics and Vision Research
      Group in The Department of Computer Science at The University of
      Western Australia.  The system consists of two parts:

      - a library of C functions for manipulating and transforming images
      that can be incorporated in your own programs.

      - a set of stand-alone programs for performing many of the more
      commonly used operations on images.

      The VIP library of image processing functions has been designed to
      enable users to create their own image processing programs very
      quickly and simply using a toolkit of standardized library functions.

      The library includes functions in the following categories
      - image input/output and memory management
      - image type and data format conversion
      - image enhancement and spatial transformations
      - mask operations
      - arithmetic operations
      - image statistics
      - frequency domain transformations
      - camera calibration and 3D data reconstruction
      - vector and matrix manipulation
      - one dimensional edge detection
      - miscellaneous functions

      The VIP image data structure supports a wide variety of image types
      ranging from a basic 8 bit grey level representation through to
      complex valued and colour images.  New image types can be easily added
      without `breaking' the existing software.  An additional feature of
      the VIP image data structure that distinguishes it from other image
      structures is its provision for comprehensive camera calibration data
      and lens distortion parameters.  The VIP system provides support for
      reconstruction of 3D information from images via structured light and

      The VIP System is designed to run under Unix on DEC Alpha, Sun Sparc
      Machines and PC's running LINUX, a subset of VIP is also available to
      run under DOS on a PC.

      The origins of the system go back 1986 when The Computer Science
      Department at The University of Western Australia started to develop
      its library of image processing routines, coining the name `VIP'.  At

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      about the same time the Automated Sheep Shearing Group in The
      Department of Mechanical Engineering started to develop a vision
      system for the automated measurement of sheep.  Each group devised
      their own, different image data structures, which required conversion
      when they were exchanged between groups. In 1991, with increasing
      collaboration between the two groups, and with each wishing to change
      and enhance the image data structures they were using, a new common
      structure was devised.  The two software libraries were merged and
      considerably enhanced.  However, shortly after this, vision research
      within the Automated Sheep Shearing Group ceased due to changes in
      research directions.  Almost all of the subsequent development has
      been done within The Department of Computer Science.

      A number of people have contributed to the system.  The initial work
      on VIP in the Computer Science Department was done by Chris Avis.  The
      Automated Sheep Shearing Group's vision system was developed by Peter
      Kovesi.  Much of the subsequent development in the Department of
      Computer Science has been done by Du Huynh and Peter Kovesi.  Recently
      Carl Fisher standardized the code to ANSI C, placed the system under
      SCCS, cleaned up much of the code and fixed numerous bugs.  He also
      wrote the Motif version of the image displaying program, splash.
      Contributions have also been made to the system by Graham Walker,
      James Trevelyan, James Cooper, Ian Reid, Svetha Venkatesh, Ben Robbins
      and Mike Robins.

      Please report any bugs to:

      or post them to the newsgroup

 Getting Started With VIP
      This section describes how to set up your environment variables to
      give you access to the VIP programs, libraries and on-line manuals.
      Some examples are also provided to help you avoid having to read this
      manual in too much detail at first!

 Setting environment variables
      To gain access to the executable VIP programs add the following to
      your path specification in your .cshrc file

      setenv PATH  "... your existing path...  :/proj/robvis/vip/bin/sunbin"

      Note: If you are working on the DEC alpha you should specify `decbin'
      rather than `sunbin'.

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      To gain access to the manual entries you need to modify your MANPATH

      setenv MANPATH "... your existing path...:/proj/robvis/vip/man"

      in your .cshrc or .login file.

 Image formats
      VIP has its own image format, what distinguishes this format from
      others is that it has provision for storing camera calibration and
      lens distortion parameters in the image header.  If you obtain images
      using the programs SNAP using the Videopix on the Sub or PKSNAP on the
      PC on the RobVis lab they will be stored in the VIP format.  VIP image
      files generally have a .im ending.

      Other common image formats that you may have to deal with are GIF,
      TIFF, PPM and PGM.  Conversion utilities exist to convert images
      between most of these formats.

 Image Format Conversion

      To convert an image from VIP to PPM (Portable PixMap) use:
      % vip2ppm  [vip_image_file] [-o ppm_image_file]

      To convert a PPM, PGM or PBM image to VIP format use:
      % pm2vip [pm image_file] [-o vip_image_file]

      To convert from PPM to PGM (Portable Grey Map) use:
      % ppmtopgm PPM_image_name > PGM_image_name

      To convert from TIFF to VIP use:
      %tifftopnm TIFF_image_name > dump
      %pm2vip dump -o VIP_image_name

      To convert a VIP image to or from the Sun raster format use:
      % vip2raster [vip_image_file] [-o raster_image_file]

      % raster2vip [raster_image_file] [-o vip_image_file]

      To work with other image formats the general rule is to convert to PPM
      or PGM and then convert from there to your destination format.  Do a
      `man -k ppm' to find all the conversion utilities that work with PPM.

 How to Display Images

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      There are a number of image displaying programs: splash, xdisplay, xv
      and surface.  xdisplay and xv are the ones that you will find most
      useful on the monochrome X terminals as they are capable of providing
      a dithered display. You can find some sample images to display in

      % xdisplay <vipimage_name>
      The xdisplay program converts your VIP image into ppm format and uses
      the xv utility to display your image.  Click on the right mouse button
      with the cursor in the image to get a control panel.  The `4x3' button
      will give you a more natural display as camera pixels have an aspect
      ratio of about 4x3 but the display screen has square pixels. Clicking
      on the `coledit' button will bring up another control panel.  Most of
      the controls relate to manipulation of the colour map.  For grey scale
      images the intensity control is of most interest.  This panel allows
      you to graphically manipulate the mapping from input grey levels to
      the displayed grey levels.  By manipulating the mapping you can negate
      the image, threshold it, suppress detail in some sections of the grey
      scale and enhance it in others.

      % xv <image_name>
      xv is an X11 program that displays images in the GIF, PBM, PGM, PPM,
      TIFF, X11 bitmap, JPEG, Sun Rasterfile, and PM formats on 1-, 4-, 6-,
      8-, 16-, 24-, and 32-bit X displays.  xv will also read compressed
      versions of these files.  See the manual entry for more information.

      % splash <vipimage_name>
      Splash only displays VIP images and only runs on colour displays.
      Image display is quite fast, 1D slices through the image can be
      digitised, the lookup table can be interactively adjusted, plus a
      number of other goodies are available.

      % surface <image_name>
      Surface displays VIP images as a 3D surface with interactive control
      over viewing direction.  It can be rather slow when dealing with large

      See manual entries for more details.

 Some VIP programs to try
      To negate an image use:
      % negim image_name -o output_image

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      To threshold an image (make it binary black or white) use:
      % thresh image_name -t threshold_value -o output_image
      To obtain a histogram of the occurrence of each intensity value in an
      image use:
      % histogram image_name -o outputfile
      This produces a data file of values.  You can display this using

      % gnuplot
      gnuplot> plot "datafile" with lines

      gnuplot is a very handy plotting utility, it is suggested that you
      become familiar with it.

      The histogram plot can be useful in selecting a suitable threshold
      when generating a binary image.

      To histogram equalize (make the histogram of intensity values more
      even, aiding interpretation) an image use:
      % histe image_name -o output_image

 Obtaining hard copy of images
      To obtain a hard copy of your image, use the program, laser.  This
      program converts an image in vip format to postscript.  The output may
      be piped directly to a laser printer or saved in a file for subsequent
      inclusion in a document.

      For example, to obtain a hard copy of an image, sized 16cm x 12cm
      (providing a 4 x 3 aspect ratio of a `square' image), placed in the
      centre of the page, and sending the output to the printer `sp', use:

      % laser image_name -w 16 12 -p ce | lpr -Psp

      See the section on the laser program for more information.

 Writing Programs and Functions that call
      Writing programs and functions that use VIP library functions is easy.
      Three example files are provided on the following pages:

      - A program that reads an image of BYTETYPE and
      thresholds it.  Values in the input image that are below the threshold
      are set to zero (black), values greater than the threshold are set to
      255 (white).  The resulting image is then written to a file.

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      - A sample makefile for programs that use VIP.

      - A function that performs a homomorphic image enhancing
      filtering operation on an image.  This example illustrates the use of
      a number of different image types.

      To gain access to the VIP functions one simply uses
      #include "vip.h"
      in your source files.

 A Sample Program

      /** threshold.c ------------------------------------------------

      Sample program that illustrates use of the VIP library.

      This program thresholds an image.  Values in the input image that are
      below the threshold are set to zero (black), values greater than the
      threshold are set to 255 (white).


      #include <stdio.h>
      #include "vip.h"                /* the VIP include file */

      void main(int argc, char *argv[])
          IMAGE  *inimage = NULL, *outimage = NULL;     /* pointers to the images we will use */
          int     rows, cols, row, col;
          int     threshold;

          if (argc != 4) {
              printf("usage: vipexample in_image threshold  out_image 0);

      /* Read the image into memory.  */
          inimage = Read_Image(argv[1]);

      /* Check that we read the data from the file.  Note that if Read_Image
         was unable to read the image it would have produced an error message
         via the function VIP_Error_Msg so the following message is really
         not needed. */
          if (!inimage) {
              printf("Could not open %s0, argv[1]);

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994


      /* Check that it is a BYTETYPE image */
          if(inimage->type != BYTETYPE) {
              printf("Threshold can only operate on BYTETYPE images0);

          threshold = atoi(argv[2]);

          if(threshold < 0 || threshold > 255) {
              printf("threshold value must be in range 0 - 2550);

          rows = inimage->rows;
          cols = inimage->cols;

      /* Allocate space for the output image */
          outimage = Allocate_Image(0, 0, rows, cols, BYTETYPE);

          if (!outimage) {
              printf("Could not allocate space for output image0);

           Now do the thresholding
           Note that there is a VIP library function to do this
           and the code below could simply be replaced with:
           outimage = Thresh_Image(inimage, threshold);

          for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
              for (col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
               if (inimage->i.c[row][col] > threshold)
                      outimage->i.c[row][col] = 255;
                      outimage->i.c[row][col] = 0;

      /* Write the image to the file name specified by argv[3] */
          Write_Image(outimage, argv[3]);

      /* Free the memory allocated for images */

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994


      Note that in this program individual pixels in the input image,
      inimage, which is of BYTETYPE, are referenced using .nf inimage-
      >i.c[row][col].fi The pointer, i, is a union structure and can be
      treated as a pointer to any of the currently supported image data

      For other types of images one has to specify how the union structure,
      i, should be used.  For example to access the element in the eleventh
      row and ninth column in a LONGTYPE image one would use:
      value = image->i.l[10][8];

      In a FLOATTYPE image one would address pixels using
      value = image->i.f[10][8];

      If the image is of RGBTYPE one would access the colour components
      redvalue   = image->i.rgb[10][8][0];
      greenvalue = image->i.rgb[10][8][1];
      bluevalue  = image->i.rgb[10][8][2];

      If the image is of COMPLEXTYPE one would use:
      realvalue      = image->[10][8].r;
      imaginaryvalue = image->[10][8].i;

      See the section, ``The VIP IMAGE Structure'' for more details.

 A Sample Makefile

      Compiling and linking a program using VIP is illustrated by the
      example makefile listed below.

      Note that you should use the gcc compiler as the VIP system is written
      in ANSI C. (use `setenv CC gcc' in your .cshrc file).

      # Example makefile using VIP

      # First set up directories and pathways.

      VIP_DIR = /proj/robvis/vip
      LIB_PATH = -L$(VIP_DIR)/lib/sunlib  # use declib on the Alpha
      INCLUDE_PATH = -I$(VIP_DIR)/include

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      # Compiling flags
      fla = -DSUN                     # use -DDEC_ALPHA on the Alpha
      CFLAGS = $(INCLUDEPATH) $(fla)

      # Specify the libraries - we want the VIP and maths libraries
      LIBS = $(LIBPATH) -lvip -lm

      # Now make the program

      yourprog: yourprog.o
              $(LINK.c) -o yourprog yourprog.o $(LIBS)

      yourprog.o: yourprog.c
              $(COMPILE.c) yourprog.c

 A Sample Function

      The following function performs a homomorphic filtering operation on
      an image.  This is an image enhancing process that attempts to reduce
      the effects of low frequency lighting variations across an image, yet
      at the same time accentuating high frequency intensity variations to
      highlight the detail (see Gonzalez and Woods {\m ``Digital Image
      Processing''} p. 213 for more detail).  The steps involved in this
      process are:

      - The log of the image is taken.
      - The Fast Fourier Transform is taken.
      - A filter function is constructed that reduces low frequency
      components in the image and magnifies the high frequency ones.
      - The Fourier Transform of the image and the filter are multiplied
      - The inverse Fourier Transform is taken.
      - The exponential of the image is taken.
      - A percentage of the extremes of the image histogram are truncated.
      - Finally the image values are rescaled to the range 0-255.

      You should note the following:

      - Different image types are accepted and, on some occasions,
      mixed by the VIP functions that are called.  Log_Image is passed a
      BYTETYPE image and returns a FLOATTYPE.  FFT_Image is passed a
      FLOATTYPE image and returns a COMPLEXTYPE.  Multiply_Image is passed
      a COMPLEXTYPE and a FLOATTYPE image and returns a COMPLEXTYPE.  This
      ability to cope with different image types simplifies the construction
      of programs.

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      - There is no checking between calls to see if the
      previous function call failed.  In general VIP functions check to see
      if an input image is valid (non-NULL pointer and correct ID code).  If
      an input image is not valid the function will report the error and
      exit returning a NULL image pointer. Thus if an error occurs early in
      the sequence one will simply cascade harmlessly (hopefully) through
      the other function calls before terminating.  Not having to embed
      large numbers of error trapping calls in one's code makes it much
      clearer to read.

      - All image pointers are initialised to NULL.  This is important
      defensive programming.  If any image pointer is passed to a function,
      and that pointer has never had any image data assigned to it, the
      receiving function can detect this as its value will be NULL.  Also,
      the function Free_Image does not attempt to free memory if it is
      passed a NULL pointer.  This is important if one is to cascade safely
      through a sequence of function calls if an error occurs as described

      /*- Homomorphic ------------------------------------------------

      Function to perform homomorphic filtering on an image. An image
      enhancing process that attempts to reduce the effects of low frequency
      lighting variations across an image, yet at the same time accentuating
      high frequency intensity variations to highlight the detail.
      Reference: Gonzalez and Woods "Digital Image Processing" page 213.

      Peter Kovesi  January 1994

      input: image    - input image.
             LowGain  - gain factor for low frequencies (suggest 0.5).
             HighGain - gain factor for high frequencies (suggest 2.0).
             CutOff   - frequency at which transition from LowGain to
                        HighGain occurs (suggest 0.4).
             order    - order of Butterworth type filter (suggest 1)
             lHistogramCut - percentage of low end of histogram to
                             truncate (suggest 1).
             uHistogramCut - percentage of high end of histogram to
                             truncate (suggest 5).

      Function returns filtered image.


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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      IMAGE  *Homomorphic(IMAGE * image, double LowGain, double HighGain,
                  double CutOff, int order, int lHistogramCut, int uHistogramCut)
          IMAGE  *t1 = NULL, *t2 = NULL, *t3 = NULL, *t4 = NULL, *t5 = NULL,
                 *t6 = NULL, *t7 = NULL;
          IMAGE  *outimage = NULL, *filter = NULL;
          int     r, c;

          t1 = Log_Image(image);

          t2 = FFT_Image(t1, 0);

          filter = Make_Homomorphic_Filter(t2->rows, t2->cols, CutOff, LowGain,
           HighGain, order);

          t3 = Multiply_Image(t2, filter);

          t4 = IFFT_Image(t3, 0);
          if(!t4) {
            VIP_Error_Msg("Homomorphic: An error occurred during a function call");

      /* Extract real part of image */

          t5 = Allocate_Image(0, 0, t4->rows, t4->cols, FLOATTYPE);
          for (r = 0; r < t4->rows; r++)
              for (c = 0; c < t4->cols; c++)
                  t5->i.f[r][c] = t4->[r][c].r;


          t6 = Exp_Image(t5);

      /* Remove outlying values of image by truncating top and lower ends of
      the image histogram by HistogramCut percent */

          t7 = Truncate_Image_Histogram(t6, lHistogramCut, uHistogramCut);

          outimage = Float2Byte_Image_X(t7);

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                                February 1994

            VIP_Error_Msg(``Homomorphic: An error occurred during a function call'');

          return (outimage);

 The VIP System in More Detail
 The VIP IMAGE Structure
      Central to any image processing system is the image data structure
      used.  The VIP IMAGE structure supports a wide variety of image types
      ranging from the basic 8 bit grey level representation through to
      complex valued and colour images.  This is achieved by using a union
      structure to point to the actual image data.  This union structure
      consists of pointers to all the different types of image data elements
      that are supported.  As pointers to all data types are the same size
      any number of new pointers to new data types can be added to the image
      pointer union without affecting the existing system.  Thus new image
      types can be added easily without `breaking' the existing code.  When
      accessing image data, simply choosing the appropriate element from the
      image pointer union will result in the correct pointer arithmetic

      An additional feature of the VIP image data structure that
      distinguishes it from other image structures is its provision for
      comprehensive camera calibration data and lens distortion parameters.
      The VIP system provides support for reconstruction of 3D information
      from images via structured light and stereo.

      To aid portability the data structures have been designed to have all
      elements aligned with word boundaries so that the different packing
      characteristics of different machines would not be an issue.  It is
      assumed that binary files are stored in big-endian format (byte
      reversed order), this is the natural format produced by Sun SPARC
      machines.  VIP libraries compiled for little-endian machines (DEC
      Alpha and PC's) will perform byte-reversal of image data when reading
      so that it can be interpreted correctly, and then when writing data
      out, will also perform byte-reversal to ensure consistency of binary
      data files.  Unfortunately this does, of course, involve some loss of

      The image types currently available under VIP are:

      BYTETYPE An unsigned 8 bit grey level image with values ranging from 0
      to 255.

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 VIP SYSTEM                                                       VIP SYSTEM

                                February 1994

      SHORTTYPE Signed 16 bit grey level image.

      LONGTYPE Signed 32 bit grey level image.

      FLOATTYPE 32 bit floating point valued image.

      DOUBLETYPE 64 bit floating point valued image.

      COMPLEXTYPE Complex valued image, real and imaginary components each
      represented by a 32 bit floating point value.

      RGBTYPE Colour image represented by red, green and blue components,
      each component represented by an 8 bit unsigned values.

      HSITYPE Colour image represented by hue, saturation and intensity
      components, each component represented by an 8 bit unsigned values.

      Where appropriate (and where it makes sense) the VIP image processing
      libraries will in most cases allow different image types to be used
      and/or mixed in a seamless manner.  This discussed in some more detail

      The VIP image data structure is listed below.  For full details refer
      to the listing vip.h in the vip/include directory.

      /*- Image types ------------------------------------------------------*/

      #define BYTETYPE    1
      #define SHORTTYPE   2
      #define LONGTYPE    3
      #define FLOATTYPE   4
      #define DOUBLETYPE  5
      #define COMPLEXTYPE 6
      #define RGBTYPE     7
      #define HSITYPE     8

      /*-  Data types used to build IMAGE structure  ---------------------*/

      typedef struct {         /* complex number */
          float    r;
          float    i;
      }        COMPLEX;

      typedef unsigned char RGB[4]; /* RGB colour image, red green and blue
                           * stored in an array of 4 bytes for

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                                February 1994

                           * convenience and efficiency */

      typedef unsigned char HSI[4]; /* Hue, saturation and intensity colour
                                       * image */

      typedef unsigned char *c_array;
      typedef short *s_array;
      typedef long *l_array;
      typedef float *f_array;
      typedef double *d_array;
      typedef COMPLEX *cx_array;
      typedef RGB *rgb_array;
      typedef HSI *hsi_array;

      typedef union imagedata {
          c_array *c;
          s_array *s;
          l_array *l;
          f_array *f;
          d_array *d;
          cx_array *cx;
          rgb_array *rgb;
          hsi_array *hsi;
      }        imagedata;

      /*-  CAMERA structure  --------------------------------------------*/

      typedef struct {
          int      idcode;
          char     version[8];
          int      channel;           /* Channel on PIP board */
          int      gain, offset;      /* Gain and offset for the channel */
          int      uvoffset;          /* UV offset in using calibration matrix
                                       * and lens compensation data */
          int      calibstatus;       /* Flag indicating type of calibration data
                                       * present */
          double   gamma[5];          /* For grey scale correction if needed */
          double   calib_matrix[3][4];/* Calibration matrix */
          double   Ucomp[18];         /* Coeffs of lens compensation polynomial*/
          double   Vcomp[18];         /* Coeffs of lens compensation polynomial*/
      }        CAMERA;

      /*- IMAGE Data Structure --------------------------------------------*/

      typedef struct {

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          int      idcode;            /* Code to allow automatic identification*/
          char     version[8];        /* software version No */
          int      type;              /* Data type - char, rgb colour etc */
          int      umin;              /* Image origin coords */
          int      vmin;
          int      rows;
          int      cols;
          double   resolution;
          char     info[80];          /* Space for comments */
          CAMERA   camera;
          long     reserved[3];
          void    *pntr[2];           /* two pointers for attaching other
                                       * structures to the image, or for linking
                                       * sequences of images together */
          union imagedata i;
      }        IMAGE;

      The following table lists how pixel elements in different image types
      are accessed.

      value = image->i.c[row][col];   /* BYTETYPE */
      value = image->i.s[row][col];   /* SHORTTYPE */
      value = image->i.l[row][col];   /* LONGTYPE */
      value = image->i.f[row][col];   /* FLOATTYPE */
      value = image->i.d[row][col];   /* DOUBLETYPE */

      RedValue   = image->i.rgb[row][col][0];  /* RGBTYPE */
      GreenValue = image->i.rgb[row][col][1];
      BlueValue  = image->i.rgb[row][col][2];

      HueValue        = image->i.rgb[row][col][0];  /* HSITYPE */
      SaturationValue = image->i.rgb[row][col][1];
      IntensityValue  = image->i.rgb[row][col][2];

      RealValue      = image->[10][8].r; /* COMPLEXTYPE */
      ImaginaryValue = image->[10][8].i;

 Global Variables in VIP
      There are a number of global variables used in the VIP system.  They
      are declared in vipglobals.c which is listed below.

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                                February 1994

      FILE    *VIP_LOG_FILE = NULL;  /* Pointer to log file for data recording*/
      FILE    *VIP_STD_ERR = stderr; /* Error output */
      int      VIP_VERBOSE = 0;      /* flag to turn on or off extra printing of
                                      * data */
      int      VIP_DISPLAY = 0;      /* flag for when one wants to turn
                                      * displaying of images on or off */
      char     VIP_MESSAGE[VIP_MESSAGE_LENGTH];       /* global message variable
                                                       * for passing to X view
                                                       * alert boxes etc */

      double   PLANE[USERPLANEMAX][3][3];     /* Fifty constraint planes, each
                                               * defined by 3 points. These are
                                               * used for 3D light stripe
                                               * reconstruction */

      VIP function names start with capitals, multiple words within a
      function name are separated by underscores and each word starts with a
      capital, eg. Allocate_Image.

      VIP data types and VIP global variables are in capitals.

      All error messages are reported via VIP_Error_Msg (in vipio.c).

      The success or otherwise of the execution of a function is indicated
      by the return of either `OK' (1) or `ERROR' (0).  Functions that
      return addresses return NULL on failure.

      In general VIP functions should check to see if an input image is
      valid (non-NULL pointer and correct ID code).  If an input image is
      not valid the function will report the error and exit returning a NULL
      image pointer. Thus if an error occurs early in a sequence of function
      calls in a program one will simply cascade harmlessly through the
      other function calls before terminating.  The idea here being to avoid
      having to embed large numbers of error trapping calls in one's code,
      thus making it much easier to read.

      Accordingly it is good practice to initialise all image pointers to
      NULL.  If any image pointer is passed to a function, and that pointer
      has never had any image data assigned to it, the receiving function
      can detect this as its value will be NULL.  Also, the function
      Free_Image does not attempt to free memory if it is passed a NULL
      pointer.  This is important if one is to cascade safely through a
      sequence of function calls if an error occurs as described above.

      Any image processing function should not destroy or overwrite its
      input image(s).  The result should be placed in a new image, with the

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                                February 1994

      address of the new image usually being returned by the function.

      Generally, each image processing function contains a series of CASE
      statements, indexed by the image type, containing code to process the
      different types of images available under VIP.  For example a
      thresholding function could operate on BYTETYPE, SHORTTYPE, FLOATTYPE
      and other images using this mechanism.  There is no requirement that
      functions cater for all image types, and in many cases they will only
      support BYTETYPE images.  Each function will test for validity of the
      image type and return an error message if it does not support the
      particular image input type.  It is assumed that as people find
      functions that do not support an image type that they need they will
      add the appropriate code to these functions (and update the

 Error Reporting
      A flexible system exists for the reporting of errors.  Different types
      of programs have different needs for error reporting.  Command line
      programs simply want messages printed on the screen but windows based
      programs want messages to be displayed in alert boxes.  Both of these
      needs can be accommodated in the VIP system.  As mentioned above the
      success or otherwise of the execution of a function is indicated by
      the return of either `OK' (1) or `ERROR' (0).  Functions that return
      addresses return NULL on failure.  All error messages are reported via
      the function VIP_Error_Msg (in vipio.c).  This function allows error
      messages to be directed to up to three different locations depending
      on the needs of the user.

      The three different (globally accessible) locations are:

      VIP_STD_ERR The default value of this is stderr, but it can be
      assigned to any file pointer.

      VIP_LOG_FILE A file pointer, default value is NULL.

      VIP_MESSAGE A character array.  Error messages are always copied into
      this array (space permitting).

      For standard command line based programs the default configuration
      simply results in error messages being sent to stderr (your screen).

      For an X View or other windows based program it is not appropriate to
      be sending text messages to consoles.  In these situations VIP_STD_ERR
      is set to NULL to suppress the printing of messages.  The array
      VIP_MESSAGE is used instead.  When an error is detected through a zero
      or NULL value returned from a function the current contents of
      VIP_MESSAGE can be passed to an alert box for display.  Multiple error
      messages are concatenated together so that one can trace the source of

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                                February 1994

      any errors.  Once the message has been displayed in an alert box it is
      up to the programmer to ensure that the VIP_MESSAGE array is cleared
      to allow new errors to be reported to it.

      The VIP_LOG_FILE pointer is intended for programs that run
      continuously for an extended period of time, say, on a long sequence
      of images.  In these situations one may wish errors to be recorded
      silently in a log file for later analysis if needed.

 Location of the VIP System Components
      VIP Library :

      DEC Alpha UNIX compatible VIP library :
      /proj/robvis/vip/lib/declib/libvip.a SUN Sparc UNIX compatible VIP
      library : /proj/robvis/vip/lib/sunlib/libvip.a PC     DOS  compatible
      VIP library : /proj/robvis/vip/lib/pclib/libvip.a

      VIP Utilities :

      DEC Alpha UNIX compatible VIP utilities : /proj/robvis/vip/bin/decbin
      (unimplemented) SUN Sparc UNIX compatible VIP library   :

      VIP Source Code :

      The source code for the various hardware and software platforms on
      which the VIP System is implemented, is represented by a single set of

      VIP Library Code   : /proj/robvis/vip/src/lib VIP Utilities Code :
      /proj/robvis/vip/src/vip VIP Include Files  : /proj/robvis/vip/include

      There are additional subsets of VIP related code, designed for
      particular VIP related tasks; these are discussed in the appendix.

      VIP Manuals   :

      VIP Utilities                 : /proj/robvis/vip/man/man1 VIP Library
                        : /proj/robvis/vip/man/man2


      The VIP include file.

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                                February 1994

      vipglobalsfn.h vipglobals.c

      File declaring all global variables used in the VIP system.

      vipiofn.h vipio.c

      General input/output functions, image allocation and freeing,
      conversion between different formats.

      vipspatfn.h vipspat.c

      Collection of basic spatial image processing functions.

      vip1Dfn.h vip1D.c

      Collection of functions for processing one dimensional slices through

      vipfreqfn.h vipfreq.c

      Collection of frequency based image processing functions.

      vipcomplexfn.h vipcomplex.c

      Functions for manipulating complex numbers.

      vipcalibfn.h vipcalib.c

      Functions supporting 2D/3D image transformations, reconstruction of 3D
      data via structured light and stereo.

      vector.h vectorfn.h vector.c

      An extensive library of vector and matrix manipulation routines.

      vip(2), vipio(2), vipconv(2), viparith(2), vipspat(2), vipstat(2),
      vipfreq(2), vipcalib(2), vipvector(2), vipcomplex(2), vipmisc(2)

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