The VIP image processing system is Copyright (C) 1994 The University of Western Australia. VIP may be used freely for research purposes. Those wishing to use VIP for commercial applications should contact the Department of Computer Science at The University of Western Australia. VIP (Visual Information Processing) is an image processing software library that has been developed by the Robotics and Vision Research Group in The Department of Computer Science at The University of Western Australia. The system consists of two parts: 1) A library of C functions for manipulating and transforming images that can be incorporated in your own programs. 2) A set of stand-alone programs for performing many of the more commonly used operations on images. The VIP library of image processing functions has been designed to enable users to create their own image processing programs very quickly and simply using a toolkit of standardized library functions. The library includes functions in the following categories: - image input/output and memory management - image type and data format conversion - image enhancement and spatial transformations - mask operations - arithmetic operations - image statistics - frequency domain transformations - camera calibration and 3D data reconstruction - vector and matrix manipulation - one dimensional edge detection - complex arithmetic - miscellaneous functions The VIP image data structure supports a wide variety of image types ranging from a basic 8 bit grey level representation through to complex valued and colour images. New image types can be easily added without `breaking' the existing software. An additional feature of the VIP image data structure that distinguishes it from other image structures is its provision for comprehensive camera calibration data and lens distortion parameters. The VIP system provides support for reconstruction of 3D information from images via structured light and stereo. The VIP System is designed to run under Unix on DEC Alpha, Sun Sparc Machines and PC's running LINUX. We used to have a subset of VIP running under DOS however this is no longer maintained and the conditional compilation flags for DOS are probably broken. If you are desperate to run under DOS you will probably have to hack around a bit and compile it using the huge memory model. See the README file in the src subdirectory for information regarding modification to the Makefiles for your own installation. A full manual for VIP can be found in vip/man/manual.ps If you have any problems please mail me at pk@cs.uwa.edu.au While we will endevour to help you as much as possible, we do not have the resources to support VIP on a full-time basis and our ability to help you may be limited. Good Luck, Peter Kovesi Department of Computer Science The University of Western Australia