This is a release of my wirewrap program. It has been used to make several boards here, and seems to be pretty reliable. It was written on a Masscomp MC500, but I don't think there are any serious machine dependencies in it. (But then again, I'm often suprised by how easy it is to inadvertantly write machine dependent code.) I'd like to hear some bug reports and success stories. I will try to send out bug fixes as quickly as I can. As usual, unpack all parts by running through sh, then run make. Unix Wirewrap Source Code: cnvtnum.c gettoken.c getwired.c getwirelen.c header1.c header2.c initialize.c insertname.c insertx.c main.c mywrite.c mywrite2.c namecmp.c namecmp2.c output1.c output2.c output3.c readin.c setptr.c setrowandcol.c sort1.c sort2.c test.c .h files: wirewrap.h Documentation: wirewrap.1 README PACKINGLIST Unix wirewrap makefile: Makefile Test Data: autocal Example listing: autocal.listing ---- Bruce Karsh U. Wisc. Dept. Geology and Geophysics 1215 W Dayton, Madison, WI 53706 (608) 262-1697 {ihnp4,seismo}!uwvax!geowhiz!karsh