v.0.3 (LGPL license) Note: You can find the documentation in cartesian.txt. The tarbal should contain source code of the libraries (two files: cartesian.cpp and header cartesian.h), an example program (example.cpp) and documentation in cartesian.txt, the license and this file. ---------------- Remartks: - Some methods in virtual inheritance are implemented by "their dominance" (MS terminology). As far as I know it works fine for all recent c++ compillers, some produces warnings. - The "linestyles" for grid plottings are disabled in recent version as styles are completely broken on Win9x. Yuo can try luck (uncoment #define LINESTYLES) on different platforms, but it is not tested and I do not know how works. Anyway, you can still use different colors for grid line types. ----------------- Makefiles: I am not able to mantain makefiles but I will add them if you will provide some and mention about them in this file. - Makefile.gnu: you have to change the symbols "FL" and "LIBS" to your needs and actual paths inside this file. - test.dsp: a VC6 project file (you can get rid of inheritance warnings by #pragma warning(disable:4250)) ----------------- Bug-fixes, comments, language correction in documentattion e.t.c or even information about compile and wok success or their lack are highly appreciated. (kantorr@tcd.id) Enjoy, Roman.