packages icon
 copa - 1.0 gui control panel kit - C language API This summarizes the  copa
 C function API.  The C function API is virtually identical to the shell API
 described in copa(1); differences or points of confusion will be  described
 here.   When  copa  is  installed,  the archive library copa.a is built and
 placed in the $COPA_HOME directory.  Application programs will need  to  be
 linked  with  this  library,  as well as xlib (-lX11).  Solaris 2.x systems
 will  also  need  -lposix4.   See  $COPA_HOME/examples/Makefile  for   more
 information.   The  C  API does not use the client-server scheme as used by
 the  shell  API  described  in  copa(1).   Please  refer  to  copa(1)   for
 descriptions  of  functions  and  arguments.  All functions which produce a
 result in the shell API, copy the result string into the response  argument
 in the C language API. All functions return 0 normally, or a non-zero error
 number if a severe error occurred.

 copa_window( int win_x, int win_y, double win_w, double win_h, char *title,
 double  bkclr  )  In contrast to the shell api, all arguments are required.
 copa_version()  copa_pop(  char  *msg,  char  *choices,  char  *response  )
 copa_poplist(  char  *msg,  char  *choices, char *buttons, char *response )
 copa_popentry( char *msg, char *def, int len, char *response ) copa_popmsg(
 char  *msg,  char  *buttons  ) copa_popclear() copa_panload( char *panfile,
 char  *tag  )  copa_panuse(  char  *tag  )  copa_panadd(  char  *panfile  )
 copa_panquit()  copa_panel(  char  *action,  char  *panfile,  char  *tag  )
 copa_load( char *fnm ) copa_text( char *tag, char *txt  )  copa_echo(  char
 *txt  )  copa_get( char *response ) copa_mget( char *rtyp, char *response )
 copa_getentry( char *tag, char *response ) The  inftype  errorcode  is  not
 available; errorcodes are returned by functions.  copa_setvalue( char *tag,
 char *value ) copa_getvalue( char *tag, char *results )  copa_setmec(  char
 *tag,  char  *attr,  char *value ) copa_getmec( char *tag, char *attr, char
 *response ) copa_rlimit( char *meclist )  copa_rinfo(  char  *inftyp,  char
 *response  ) copa_resize( int win_x, int win_y, double win_w, double win_h,
 double bkclr ) copa_display( char *action ) ping has no meaning  in  the  C
 api  context.   copa_ps(  char  *name, char *fnm, char *paper ) copa_quit()
 $COPA_HOME/copa.a - object library.  copa(1)