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	      File Status Information  -- Version %R% (%E%)
	Copyright (1994): Martin Weitzel, Darmstadt, Germany

The "fstat"-command is much similar to the well-know "ls", but with two
important differences:

     a)	file names are not supplied as command line arguments
	but read from standard input;
     b) output format can be freely chosen, and there is some
	information that "ls" cannot produce;

Here is a full description of "fstat" and its features.  It can be
obtained by calling "fstat" with the (single) option "-help".
	***** fstat -- Print File Status Information *****

	fstat [ -e[msg] ] [ -c[nnn] ] [ +format ]

	This program reads file names from stdin and prints further
	information, mainly from the file's i-node.  Output format
	can be tailored by a format-string that follows a plus sign.
	The options are:
	-e[msg]  message to print for files that cannot be stat()-ed
	         (if 'msg' is missing, such files are ignored)
	-c[nnn]  number of bytes to include into the checksum
	         (see also %H-place-holder, if 'nnn' is missing or
		  zero, checksum is calculated for the complete file)
	Within the format string certain place-holders are recognized:
	  %t  file type (in octal)
	  %T  file type (coded as in 'ls -l')
	  %V  file type (in words)
	  %p  permissions (in octal);
	  %P  permissions (in coded as in 'ls -l');
	  %d  device number (in decimal);
	  %i  inode number (in decimal);
	  %n  number of links (in decimal);
	  %u  file owner (decimal UID)
	  %U  file owner (name)
	  %g  file group (decimal GID)
	  %G  file group (name)
	  %s  file size in byte
	  %a  access time (seconds since urknall)
	  %A  access time (YYMMDDhhmmss)
	  %c  creation time (seconds since urknall)
	  %C  creation time (YYMMDDhhmmss)
	  %m  modification time (seconds since urknall)
	  %M  modification time (YYMMDDhhmmss)
	  %h  file header (first two bytes in hex);
	  %H  checksum of first portion of file;
	  %f  last part of file name;
	  %F  full file name (as read from input);
	An optional number between '%' and format specification is
	treated as field width.  Output is always right justified in
	a zone of the given width.  If a value does not fit into that
	zone, more room is provided automatically.  To print a %-sign,
	two such characters must be used in sequence.  Other characters
	in the format string are printed as they appear, except that
	some basic '\'-escape-sequences are recognized and interpreted
	as usual.  A '\c' in the format string will stop any further
	interpretation and will also suppress the new line character
	that otherwise terminates each line of output.
	NOTE that while in a user defined error message (see 'e'-option
	above) place holders are interpreted in the same way as in the
	format string, when this message is printed only '%f' and '%F'
	have meaningful values; in addition, '%e' may be used to print
	the current value of 'errno'.

To compile the sources, you should first have a look into the file
"COMPILE", which gives you the opportunity to change some of the
compile time options.  This file may also contain hints on the compiler
flags to use.

Compilation is the default target in the Makefile.  If you have to change
any compiler options or the compiler itself, you can do this from the
command line when calling make.  Alternatively you may change the Makefile.

To install the programs, you should first have a look into the file
"INSTALL" which gives you the opportunity to change some of the
installation options.

Depending on your permissions and where you want to install the programs,
it may then be necessary to "su" to the appropriate account (or become
root) and then to type "sh INSTALL".