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 XMINESWEEP(1)                                                 XMINESWEEP(1)
                              11 November 1992

      xminesweep - A mine-sweeper game.

      xminesweep [ toolkit options ] [ -mines <num> ] [ -ncH <numHigh> ] [ -
      ncW <numWide> ]

      where <num> is the number of mines in the playing field.  <numHigh> is
      the number of squares high.  <numWide> is the number of squares wide.

      xminesweep will start up with a window full of cells. clicking on one
      with the left mouse button will 'expose' it (and if there is a mine
      there you will die!). Clicking in a cell with the right mouse button
      will either mark or unmark it as a 'Mine'. If you click in the cell
      with the middle mouse button you can toggle a 'questioned' image, you
      can expose and mark a questioned cell.

      The object is to mark all the mines in the playing field. When a
      'Cell' is exposed, and it is not a mine, it will contain a number -
      this number is the number of mines in the eight Cells around it (blank
      = zero).

      If you miss a mine (mark a square that is not a mine), and then the
      mine count gets to zero, you will loose because you got one wrong!.

      There are two buttons in the top part of the window, one will make
      xminesweep exit, the other will restart the current game (and
      rearrange the mines).

      There is also a text box which displays the number of mines in the
      playing field, you can change the value in this and then press [Enter]
      and the game will restart with the new number of mines. (nothing will
      happen of the number is the same). There is a limited range for the
      number of mines, it is between 1 and (DEFAULT_NUM_MINES/3).

      When you die, all the Cells will be exposed, any mines that you marked
      will be shown with the marked image, any Cells that you marked but are
      not mines will be shown with the wrong-mark image, and any unmarked
      mines will be shown as mines.

      xminesweep will take all the normal Athena Widget toolkit options it
      is given.

      xminesweep will accept these special resources:


                                    - 1 -      Formatted:  February 22, 2025

 XMINESWEEP(1)                                                 XMINESWEEP(1)
                              11 November 1992



      They correspond to the command line options -mines, -ncH, -ncW.

      Ashley Roll --

                                    - 2 -      Formatted:  February 22, 2025