BACKDRAW(1) X11 R5; OSF/Motif 1.2 BACKDRAW(1) Release 1.1 NAME backdraw - Backend Drawing Utility SYNOPSIS backdraw [-<toolkit option> ...] [-<backdraw option> ...] DESCRIPTION Backdraw is a utility that reads commands from standard input to show a picture on the screen. It accepts a number of predefined commands that show or manipulate a picture on the screen. Two different policies are used to show a picture with different colors and fonts on the screen. This can be specified using the planeGC resource. If planeGC is set to True, a unique graphics context with a default color and font will be created for every plane. The user has to set the default color of every plane only once. If the default plane is changed, the appropriate graphics context will be used to show new graphics objects on the screen. It is allowed to use multiple colors per plane. Changing the color will change the default color used for that plane. If planeGC is set to False, a single graphics context will be used to show graphics objects on the screen. As a result the user has to change both color and plane, if he wants to add an object with a specific color to a plane. Backdraw is written in ANSI C and uses the OSF/Motif Release 1.2 toolkit and the X Windows Version 11 Release 5 software. It is also compatible with older releases of X Windows and the OSF/Motif toolkit. Backdraw runs on various hardware platforms. It has been compiled and tested on Apollo Domain OS 10.4 and HP Series 700 machines. It should be possible to run backdraw on other Unix platforms with X Windows and OSF/Motif libraries available. OPTIONS Backdraw accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with the additional options listed below: -drawfont <font> This option specifies the default font used to draw strings. -help This option indicates that a summary of the allowed command line options should be printed on the standard error. -/+interactive Turns on/off interactive mode. If interactive mode is enabled, each drawing command results in redrawing of the drawing area. If interactive mode is disabled, nothing will be drawn until the draw-all-planes command is received. -/+planeGC Turns on/off the usage of different graphics context for every Eindhoven University of Technology - 1 - Aug 1992 BACKDRAW(1) X11 R5; OSF/Motif 1.2 BACKDRAW(1) Release 1.1 plane (see description). -planes <number> Specifies the number of planes that are used. Software emulation makes the use of an unlimited number of planes possible. However, the usage of a large number of planes decreases the graphics performance and is also not considered very useful. Therefore, this number is limited by 32. -plotdir <directory name> Specifies the name of the directory in which plot files are created and written by backdraw. Currenty, a plot is saved in the file The default directory is /tmp. If a directory is specified which does not exist or a directory which is not writable, the default directory is used in stead of the specified directory. -update <number> Specifies the update time interval (in seconds). This options turns the interactive mode off and updates the picture each <number> seconds. -/+verbose Turn on/off verbose mode. If verbose mode is turned on, the commands that are not recognized are reported on standard error. COMMANDS The following commands are accepted by the server: clear-plane <plane_no> Clears the plane identified with plane_no and redraws the contents of the drawing area. clear-planes Clears all planes and redraws the contents of the drawing area. draw-all-planes Draws the picture in the drawing area. This command only works in non-interactive mode. draw-circle <x> <y> <radius> Adds a circle to the picture with center (x,y) and specified radius. draw-line <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> Adds a line to the picture between the specified coordinates. draw-point <x> <y> Adds a point to the picture. Points are translated to a single Eindhoven University of Technology - 2 - Aug 1992 BACKDRAW(1) X11 R5; OSF/Motif 1.2 BACKDRAW(1) Release 1.1 pixel on the screen. Its size will not change if the view port of the picture changes. draw-rectangle <x> <y> <width> <height> Adds a rectangle to the picture. draw-string <x> <y> <quoted-string> Adds a string at the specified position to the database. This position is the position is mapped on the default font position (lowerleft corner). A quoted string is any number of printable characters enclosed between double quotes. fill-circle <x> <y> <radius> Adds a filled circle to the picture with center (x,y) and specified radius. fill-rectangle <x> <y> <width> <height> Adds a filled rectangle to the picture. interactive <flag> Turns on/off interactive mode, if the flag specified is non- zero/zero. This command is only effective, if time interval updating is turned off. set-color <colorname> Sets the color of the current graphics context to colorname. colorname is either a named color in the X color database or a color specified in the # formats. set-font <fontname> Sets the font of the current graphics context to fontname. set-pixmap <max. plane> Puts the contents of the lower planes [0,<max. plane>] in a pixmap. This command improves efficiency significantly, if the contents of the lower planes is used to show the background of the picture and the contents of the upper planes is cleared very often, which results in drawing the contents of the lower planes again. set-plane <plane> Sets the current plane to plane. set-view-port <x> <y> <width> <height> Sets the view port to the area specified by the arguments. set-world <x> <y> <width> <height> Sets a bounding box for the picture. This bounding box specifies the area that will be displayed after executing a world command from the View pulldown menu. Eindhoven University of Technology - 3 - Aug 1992 BACKDRAW(1) X11 R5; OSF/Motif 1.2 BACKDRAW(1) Release 1.1 quit Quits backdraw. WIDGETS In order to specify resources, it is useful to know the hierarchy of the widgets which compose backdraw. In the notation below, indentation indicates hierarchical structure. The widget class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name. Backdraw backdraw MainWindow container SeparatorGadget MainWinSep1 SeparatorGadget MainWinSep2 SeparatorGadget MainWinSep3 RowColumn Menubar CascadeButton cascade CascadeButton cascade MenuShell popup_File RowColumn File PushButton quit RowColumn View PushButton zoomIn PushButton zoomOut DrawingArea canvas APPLICATION RESOURCES backdraw has the following application-specific resources which allow customizations unique to backdraw. drawfont (Class Drawfont) Specifies the default font used to string objects. help (Class Help) Specifies whether or not help information is displayed on the standard error stream. This resource is usually controlled through a command line option. interactive (Class Interactive) Specifies whether or not the interactive mode is enabled. planeGC (Class PlaneGC) Specifies whether or not a unique graphics context is used for each plane. planes (Class Planes) The number of planes that can be used during the session. update (Class Update) Specifies the time interval between drawing area Eindhoven University of Technology - 4 - Aug 1992 BACKDRAW(1) X11 R5; OSF/Motif 1.2 BACKDRAW(1) Release 1.1 updates. It is only effictive, if the number specified is positive. In that case, interactive mode is disabled. verbose (Class Verbose) Specifies whether or not backdraw reports syntax errors on standard error. ENVIRONMENT DISPLAY the default host and display number. XENVIRONMENT the name of a resource file that overrides the global resources stored in the RESOURCE_MANAGER property. FILES /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Backdraw - specifies required resources SEE ALSO BUGS Backdraw should be bug free. Please report bugs and inconsistencies to the author. Also suggestions can be reported to the author. COPYRIGHT Copyright 1992 All Rights Reserved. Hans Fleurkens. AUTHOR Hans Fleurkens Design Automation Section Eindhoven University of Technology The Netherlands Phone: +31-40-473238 Fax: +31-40-464527 E-mail: Eindhoven University of Technology - 5 - Aug 1992