packages icon
restwatch is intended to run permanently during an X11 session and to
monitor the time during which the keyboard or mouse is used. 

The best way to do this is with the XTestExtension1, but this is rarely
found in X11 implementations and never got to be "standard".
It is the best because it is the most efficient and also gets you mouse clicks.
This is the preferred method used by restwatch.  However, if the program
does not compile because you do not have this extension on the client side,
move the 
in restwatch.c inside the comment, and the program will use the alternative
method of selecting for events on each window.  This cannot get mouse events.

(The XTRAP extension could probably provide the same functionality, as well
as the new RECORD extension which appeared with R6 in draft status.  This
has not been investigated.  The XTEST extension is not useful, as it only
allows keyboard and mouse to be sent (for simulation) and not received.)

Having XTestExtension1 in libXext.a and being able to compile with 
USEXTESTEXTN1 defined does not necessarily mean it is supported in the
server.  (Note it is not usually "trivial" to add XTestExtension1 to the
server).  You can find out by looking at the output from xdpyinfo after the

	number of extensions: ...
you need to see


I use a second keyboard on my server, and use a2x to emulate keyboard
events via XTEST.  This is a problem as these emulated events are not seen
by XTestExtension1, so I have hacked a2x to also generate a sendevent on
the root window, and the restwatch program has a hook in it whereby
sendevents on the root window are looked for.  Terrible, but should not
cause any concern for other users of the program.  If it does, set the
variable usea2xhack to false.