
Pop up a message on one or multiple displays

Xnotify is an X program which opens up connections to multiple displays and pops up a window with user input as the text. You could think of it as putting a note on the screen of as many people as you want. This allows you to let several people know something simultaneously. Additionally, on your terminal, it pops up a window with a list of all of the connections and whether they have been acknowledged. When someone acknowledges the message, his/her response or simple acknowledgement is given in the response window. When all connections are acknowledged, you can dismiss this response window.


Operating System Architecture Package Type Package Size Date Archived View Contents? Download
HP-UX 11.00
32-bit PA-RISC 1.1Gzipped
Binary Depot
17 K13 Oct 2000YesHTTP FTP
HP-UX -Tarred/Gzipped
Source Code
22 K13 Oct 2000YesHTTP FTP