packages icon

 mlvwm(1)                                                           mlvwm(1)
                                 11 Feb 1997

      mlvwm - Macintosh Like Virtual Window Manager

      mlvwm [ -f initfile ] [ -d dpy ] [ -debug ]

      mlvwm is a window manager for X11 designed to look and feel like the
      Macintosh<tm> environment.  It provides multiple desktops, separate
      menu bars for different applications, and the ability to interact with
      applications from that menu bar.  It does this by sending key
      sequences to the application, such as ctrl-X or alt-Y.

      These are the command line options that are recognized by mlvwm:

      -f config_file
           Causes mlvwm to use config_fule as it's configuration file.

      -d display_name
           Brings mlvwm on display display_name instead of the name taken
           from the DISPLAY environment variable.

           Debug mode.  Displays debugging information.

      The configuration file is used to describe shortcut key bindings,
      menus, fonts, and various other settings.  It is typically ".mlvwmrc"
      in your home directory, and if that does not exist it falls back to
      the system default.  A different config file can be defined using the
      -f option shown above.

      Lines beginning with '#' are ignored by mlvwm.

      There are a number of built in functions in mlvwm that may be used in
      the configuration file.  If there is an error in the config file,
      mlvwm will try it's best to go on.  If it can't find a particular
      icon, it will complain on startup and leave the space blank where the
      icon was meant to go.  Likewise, if you have a command misspelled or
      something to that effect, it will simply put up an error message and
      continue on through the rest of the config file.

      The following commands can be used in menus, keyboard short cuts, and
      anything else along those lines:

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                                 11 Feb 1997

      Exec app_name command
           Executes an external command as stated by command.  app_name
           should be set to whatever the name of the application is that
           will be executed.

      Nop  Does nothing.

           Refreshes the screen.

      Restart [window_manager]
           Restarts mlvwm or, if window_mananger is defined, restart into
           that window manager.

           Quits mlvwm.

      Desk [+|-|number]
           Changes desktops to number or, if + or - is the argument, goes up
           one or down one desktop, respectively.

           Switches to the next active window.  Windows that are hidden or
           defined in SkipSelect are not chosen.  This includes windows in
           other desktops in it's list of windows to choose from.

           Swtiches to the previous active window.  Windows that are hidden
           or defined in SkipSelect are not chosen.  This includes windows
           in other desktops in it's list of windows to choose from.

           Switches to the next active window.  Windows that are hidden or
           defined in SkipSelect are not chosen.  Windows in other desktops
           are not chosen.

           Switches to the previous active window.  Windows that are hidden
           or defined in SkipSelect are not chosen.  Windows in other
           desktops are not chosen.

           Shades or UnShades active window.

           Hides active window.

           Hides all other windows except the active one.

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                                 11 Feb 1997

           All hidden windows are unhidden.

           Move a window, chosen after this command is selected.

           Resize a window, chosen after this command is selected.

           Kills a chosen window.

      SendMessage sequence
           A keypress is sent to the active window.  The keys pressed are
           defined in a similar fashion to those in the ShortCut command.
           You specify a special key with it's corresponding capital letter
           identifier and a + symbol.  For instance, if you wanted to set
           the sequence: Ctrl-x, you would use C+x.

      Wait [Application name|Application class]
           Wait to start application.

           This function can be bound to a key in order to show balloon.

      The following commands are used to change or describe mlvwm's

      Desktopnum num
           The number of desktops available.  Defaults to 1.

           Shaded windows are present no matter what desktop you are on,
           instead of staying on a particular desktop.  This is not the
           default behavior.

           Hidden windows are present no matter what desktop you are on,
           instead of staying on a particular desktop.  This is not the
           default behavior.  This means that if you hide a window in one
           desktop, and move to another, then unhide it, it will appear in
           that desktop, instead of the desktop it was originally in.

           When a window is unhidden, shading remains.  The default is for
           shading to be canceled when a window is unhidden.

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                                 11 Feb 1997

      DoubleClickTime time
           The number of milliseconds in which you must click the mouse
           button twice in order to register a double click.

           When windows are moved or resized, the border displayed is a
           dotted line instead of solid.  This causes a slight speed

           The active window is the window the mouse is currently over.  If
           you move the mouse away from the current window and/or over
           another, you lose focus in the current one.  This is not set up
           by default.

           It turns on FollowToMouse with the modification of not loosing
           focus when in the root window.

           Change to window decoration to System 8(Only Color Monitor).

           Enable Opaque move.

           Enable Opaque resize.

           Click pull down menu and more one click execute selection.

      ZoomWait ms
           Setting Hide animation speed. Default is 10ms. The unit is ms.

           Rotate desktop number at Desk + and Desk -.

           Display window name with desktop number on window list.

           WindowShade is regarded as Inocify.

           HideWindow is regarded as Iconify.

      ScrollBarWidth n
           The variable scroll window is set n and defaults to 19 if

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                                 11 Feb 1997

      FlushMenu speed flashes
           Determines how fast the flashes are when you choose an option
           from a menu, as well as how many times it does so.

      IconPath path
           Specify the path mlvwm is to search in order to find it's icons.
           Separate directories should be separated with a : and listed in
           the order you wish them to be searched.  This needs to be defined
           before any references to icons are made.

      IconMenuIcon icon
           This is the icon to be used with the windowlist menu on right
           side of the menu bar.

           ignore button event on Root Window.

      UseBalloon str1 str2, Icon iconname
           Use balloon help. str1 is displayed as menu item when Balloon
           help is not displayed.


            Define the function when start and restart the mlvwm.

      MenuBarFont font
           The font the menu bar is to use.

      MenuFont font
           The font the menus are to use.

      TitleBarFont font
           The font on the title bars of windows.

      Read filename
           Reads in a separate configuration file.

           It allows to regenerate the screen as it was before the previous
           window manager was shutdown or the current window manager was

      Menu name[, options] ... END
           Starts a menu block for the specified name menu.  After the name
           of the menu, some options may be defined as listed below to
           change the behavior of that menu.  All lines following the Menu
           command are read in as menu items until an END statement is
           reached.  Description of menu items will be discussed after the

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                                 11 Feb 1997

           Menu options are as follows:

           Right - places the menu on the right side of the menu bar.

           Left - places the menu on the left side of the menu bar.  This is

           Icon icon - assigns an icon to be displayed on the menu bar
           instead of a label.

           Label label - assigns a label to be displayed on the menu bar
           instead of an icon.

           Stick - menu label is shown any time, in spite of the designation
           of which application it is associated with via the MenuBar

           NonStick - opposite of Stick.  This is default.

           Menu items are described as follows:

           "label" options

           Multiple options are separated by commas.  Options you can choose
           are as follows:

           Gray - grays out a menu item.

           Black - makes a menu item black.

           Check - places a check mark next to item.

           NonCheck - doesn't place a check mark next to item.

           Select - makes a menu item selectable.

           NonSelect - prevents a menu item from being selectable.

           SubMenu MenuName A submenu is specified.

           Icon icon - specifies an icon to place next to the menu item's

           Action command - performs any built in command.

           Swallow appname options Swallows an application into the menu
           bar.  options are separated by commas.  appname should match the
           name of the application that will be swallowed.  The following
           options are allowed:

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                                 11 Feb 1997

           Right - places the menu on the right side of the menu bar.  This
           is default.

           Left - places the menu on the left side of the menu bar.

           Action command - performs any built in command.  This is where an
           Exec should be performed of the application to be swallowed.

           Stick - menu label is shown any time, in spite of the designation
           of which application it is associated with via the MenuBar
           command.  This is default.

           NonStick - opposite of Stick.

      MenuBar appname ... END
           This describes the names of the menus to be displayed, given a
           particular appname is active.  The keyword default can be placed
           for appname to set up a menu bar for any application that does
           not have it's own specific menu bar.  Menus are listed one per
           line after the MenuBar line, and closed off with an END

      Style strings END
           This is used to describe certain attributes of particular
           windows, such as decorations, MenuBars, mini-icons, and various
           other attributes.  The wildcards, * and ?, can be used.  Lines
           are set up as follows:

           "appname" options

           Multiple options are separated by commas, and can be chosen from
           the following:

           NormalDecoration - Places standard decorations (ie all the
           defaults) around a particular window.

           NoSbarH - Horizontal scroll bar is removed.

           NoSbarV - Vertical scroll bar is removed.

           NoResizeR - no resize 'button'.  This is automatic if both
           NoSbarH and NoSbarV are defined.

           NoTitle - Removed title bar.

           NoMinMaxR - Min/Max 'button' is removed.  Automatic when NoTitle

           NoCloseR - Close 'button' is removed.  Automatic when NoTitle

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                                 11 Feb 1997


           NoWinList - Prevents window from being show on the window list.

           NoFocus - Does not allow window to get focus.

           StayOnTop - Window stays above all other windows on the screen.

           Sticky - Window stays on screen even if you change desktops.

           SkipSelect - Prevents window from getting chosen by NextWindow,
           PreviousWindow, PreviousSameDeskWindow, and NextSameDeskWindow.

           EnableScroll - Activates scroll bars.

           MaxmizeScale - The percentage the window will increase in size
           when it maximized.

           MiniIcon icon - icon is used to represent that particular window.

           NoTransientDecorate -  No decorations for transient window.

           MenuBar menubar - Switches the menu bar to menubar when that
           application is active.

      ShortCut string END
           Binds key combinations to functions.  Short cuts are listed one
           per line in the following format:

           KeyName KeyboardModifier Command

           After all Short cuts are listed, an END statement should be
           placed.  KeyboardModifier's are as follows:

                S - Shift key
                C - Control key
                M - Mod1 key
                1 - Mod1 key
                2 - Mod2 key
                3 - Mod3 key
                4 - Mod4 key
                5 - Mod5 key
                A - Any Modifier
                N - No Modifier


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                                 11 Feb 1997


      This program is distributed as freeware. The copyright remains with
      the author.

      Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.

      TakaC HASEGAWA

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